How do I list Permissions for DB roles in Query Analyser.

  • What I am really trying to do is create a script that will list all permissions for any role that doesn't start with db_ on every database.

    Does anybody have something like that?

    Could you point me in the right direction for a loop that will execute a statement for each database in an instance?

    I found a great script on this sight for the main part of my problem!!  This site is awesome.

    So i am still clueless for setting up a looping structure to run this sp on each of the databases.

  • Here's a routine that executes the same command for all databases in an instance.  You should be able to modify it to plug in your commands.

    declare @sql varchar(400)

    set @sql='select ''?''as dbname;select name, fileid, filename from ?.dbo.sysfiles'

    exec sp_msforeachdb @sql

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • You may also want to check out:  sp_helplogins

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