How do I insert a postscript file ?

  • Hi,

    How do I store and retrieve postscript files into a SQL Server 2K table? First I want to parse the file to pick a few fields of information then I want to insert the file into a field in a table. I don't want to put the path of the file or the file name, I want the file to reside in SQL Server 2K. My ideal goal is to query the table through a web page where the user can click on the file and it will be dispalyed in a post script viewer.

    Any suggestions ? Thank you.

  • You would use a text or binary column and do a standard insert. You might need to replace some items, like single quotes within your file.

    Once inserted, you can query the column for data items.

    Steve Jones

  • How do I do a standard insert for a file ? If I use the following command isn't the file path going to be inserted rather than the content of the file ?

    INSERT INTO table filefield VAL '\\server\file_name'

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