How can I delete empty rows in text file?

  • Hi, All

    I have a q for U.

    I created text file that contains Header Info & Data & Trailer Info.

    Problem is in the trailer info.

    Trailer info is kust one line with lots of spaces on it. But I dont know why it creates extra lines(actually 2) after trailer info.

    My Q is how can I delete extra lines?

    I was research for this one and I came up with KILL or EOF etc..command but it did not work..

    Any Idea..

    Thx in advance


  • How are you currently outputting?

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Here is script.

    Basically I create Header first and add Data text file to it. After that I add Trailer info again to that text file.

    Here is script..


    Const ForReading=1, ForWriting=2, ForAppending=8

    Dim fso, f, ReadDataFile, AppendToHeader,ReadTrailerFile,FinalFile

    Dim dMonth, dDay, dTime,dMin, dFillStr, xLoop

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'Create Text File & Insert Header Info

    Set f = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", True)

    Select Case Len(Month(Date))

    Case "1"

    dMonth = "0" & Month(Date)

    Case Else

    dMonth = Month(Date)

    End Select

    Select Case Len(Day(Date()))

    Case "1"

    dDay = "0" & Day(date())

    Case Else

    dDay = Day(date())

    End Select

    Select Case Right(Time(), 2)

    Case "AM"

    dTime = "0" & Left(Time(), 1)

    Case Else

    dTime = Left(Time(), 1) + 12

    End Select

    Select Case Len(Replace(Time(), ":", ""))

    Case "8"

    dMin = Mid(Replace(Time(), ":", ""), 2, 4)

    Case "9"

    dMin = Mid(Replace(Time(), ":", ""), 3, 4)

    End Select

    For xLoop = 1 To 815

    dFillStr = dFillStr & " "


    f.WriteLine("STKOPTHDR " & YEAR(DATE( )) & dMonth & dDay & dTime & dMin & " XOP1105" & dFillStr)


    'Open Data File to read

    Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Documents and Settings\jrhee\Desktop\xop1105.txt", ForReading)


    'MsgBox ReadDataFile

    'Open Header text file to append Data file

    Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\testfile.txt", ForAppending)



    'Open Trailer Text file before inset into Final file

    Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\Documents and Settings\jrhee\Desktop\TrailerInfo.txt", ForReading)


    'Open text file(Header+Data) to insert Trailer info

    Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\testfile.txt", ForAppending)



    Set fso=Nothing

    Set f=Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success




  • I believe you're getting that "extra line" every time you do f.close. The close must insert an extra linefeed character, although I can't put my finger on it. It doesn't show up in Word even if you show all non-printing characters. The line count is correct in Visual Studio, but the cursor is on the next line. Weird. If anyone knows how to get around this using the scripting object model, please post - I'd like to know too.

    The more I use SQL, the less I need (or like) VB. If you absolutely have to have the exact lines with no blanks, and have SQL Server already (obviously) I'd dump the contents of all three files into one table and bcp the results out into a file.

    create table dbo._temp


    id int identity,

    data nvarchar(4000)


    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    declare @MyFile1 nvarchar(255), @MyFile2 nvarchar(255), @MyFile3 nvarchar(255), @MyOutputFile nvarchar(255)

    set @sql = 'bcp mydatabase.dbo._temp in "' + @MyFile1 + '" -t -c"

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql

    set @sql = 'bcp mydatabase.dbo._temp in "' + @MyFile2 + '" -t -c"

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql

    set @sql = 'bcp mydatabase.dbo._temp in "' + @MyFile3 + '" -t -c"

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql

    set @sql = 'bcp "select * from mydatabase.dbo._temp order by id" queryout "' + @MyOutputFile + '" -t -c"

    Good luck


  • Just reread my post and it's pretty sloppy. Jay, if decide to go the bcp route and need help with the exact syntax, drop me an email.



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