High Page/Second when copying files

  • Hello All,

    When we copy files from our SQL Server to another server I noticed that the pages/second can go up as high as 10,000. When the copy is done then it returns to normal. Is this normal?

    When the copy is happening it appears that there is more than enough RAM available, about 4GB not being used.

    Just wondering if I should be concerned about this. SQL Diagnostic manager reports that the server is in a critical state when moving files from one server to another as the paging is so high.

    Thanks. Still learning!

  • 1. push don't pull file copies - e.g copy to and not copy from.

    2. I always use robocopy

    3. make sure the server advanced settings it optimised for programs and not system cache

    4. if it's really a problem get sysinternals cacheset http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/bb897561

    5 failing that there's actually an service which can configure memory I blogged about a few years a go http://sqlblogcasts.com/blogs/grumpyolddba/archive/2009/03/18/x64-memory-problems.aspx

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • colin.Leversuch-Roberts (8/16/2011)

    1. push don't pull file copies - e.g copy to and not copy from.

    2. I always use robocopy

    3. make sure the server advanced settings it optimised for programs and not system cache

    4. if it's really a problem get sysinternals cacheset http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/bb897561

    5 failing that there's actually an service which can configure memory I blogged about a few years a go http://sqlblogcasts.com/blogs/grumpyolddba/archive/2009/03/18/x64-memory-problems.aspx

    Thanks for the reply. The pages/sec really peak when the backups are copied accross the network. From reading different posts it appears that this is normal when reading from or writing to disk. Would you agree that this is normal? All available RAM is not being used up it's just the pages/second concerned me.

    Current Server Spec

    O/S Window 2003 Enterprise Edition

    SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition

    8GB RAM

    AWE enabled

    SQL Allocated 4GB

    The single file copy I did was simply a test.

  • hmm - almost all of my kit is x64 so rules are different. You shouldn't really get a surge of io excpet from the disk/lun you're copying from ( obviously ) . I have log shipping which uses robocopy to handle the copies, can't say as I notice mcuh impact, even when copying the full or diff backups - I do see a rise in cpu for full backup copies.

    I'll perhaps do some tests and see - watch out for aggressive AV causing issues though - I normally get sql backups excluded from AV.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • oh sorry when you say pages/sec I assume you mean the page file usage?

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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