Hide Duplicate option- Not able to hide border of textboxes for duplicate entries.

  • I want to hide duplicate Values in one column.

    I set the Hide duplicate option of that textbox to True(by giving Dataset/Group name). But its hiding only values. I need to hide border of the repeating textbox too.

    If I am comparing previous value in data set with current value and setting visibility of textbox on that bases, then border is hiding, but in case when duplicate values go to next page, it does not reapear for first value of that column as this thing happens for Hide Duplicate option.

    I mean to say, I want to hide the duplicate textbox plus if the duplicate values spread over two pages then that value should appear for very first record on second/next page.

  • Vikas,

    Its very easy. You need to write following expression in Border Style of report item or TextBox:

    None, Solid, Solid, =IIF(Fields!ID.Value=Previous(Fields!ID.Value),"None","Solid"), None

    alternatively, you can set

    Default = None,

    Left = Solid,

    Right = Solid,

    Top = =IIF(Fields!ID.Value=Previous(Fields!ID.Value),"None","Solid")

    Bottom = None

  • Hi Hari,

    I think , you misunderstood me. I need the laout as shown in picture. I want border for first textbox which contains value. After tah there should be blank. and when duplicate value spread over two pages, again that text box should appears.

  • Vikas,

    I can't see the picture/image attached herewith.

  • here is the image attached

  • Vikas,

    Its also easy to implement. You need to change the expression as mentioned below:

    Default = None

    Left, Right,Top and Bottom (all)


    Let me know if you have still any problem.

  • Thanks for replying Hari.

    But I think my problem is not that simple.

    Using the expression you suggested, i will face following issue

    when the rows will spread over more than one pages, as per hide duplicate option, the duplicate value display once again on new page.

    If I will apply suggested expression, then the value on next page will be without any border. Means border for that textbox will be none.

    I want border for that textbox too

  • No,

    In that case, you can select the table (don't click on columns, just select table) and set the border color as you wish.

    This will resolve your issue.

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