Help with XQUERY

  • Hi all,

    I have the following XML stroed in a table colum.

    I need to see all the following XML information in two rows (2 Row nodes).





    <name>Francis Champs</name>



    <message>Please help :)</message>



















    <message>Thanks for the time :-D</message>




    I used the partial query but did not return the desired results...


    T.ID AS PostID,

    S.N.value('name[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS UserName,

    S.N.value('id[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS UserID


    (SELECT ID, CAST(CommentsData AS XML) CommentsData

    FROM tb_Posts) AS T

    CROSS APPLY T.CommentsData.nodes('/comments_data/Row/id/from') AS S(N)

    Can anyone assist please?

    Much appreciated,


  • Looks like a typo

    CROSS APPLY T.CommentsData.nodes('/comments_data/Row/id/from') AS S(N)

    should be

    CROSS APPLY T.CommentsData.nodes('/comments_data/Row/from') AS S(N)


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • I guess the main problem is in xQuery, you shouldn't have "id " in it:

    nodes('/comments_data/Row/from') AS S(N)

    Check this:

    declare @CommentsData xml =





    <name>Francis Champs</name>



    <message>Please help :)</message>



















    <message>Thanks for the time </message>






    S.N.value('name[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS UserName,

    S.N.value('id[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS UserID

    FROM @CommentsData.nodes('/comments_data/Row/from') AS S(N)

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  • Actually yes I had a typo :s

    I have created the following XQUERY and seems to work well.. Any further suggestions maybe I can enhance the query?


    T.ID AS PostID,

    D.N.value('name[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS UserName,

    D.N.value('id[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS UserID,

    C.N.value('.[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS [Message],

    E.N.value('.[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS CreatedTime,

    F.N.value('.[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS Likes


    (SELECT ID, CAST(CommentsData AS XML) CommentsData

    FROM tb_Posts) AS T

    CROSS APPLY T.CommentsData.nodes('/comments_data/Row') AS S(N)

    OUTER APPLY S.N.nodes('message') AS C(N)

    OUTER APPLY S.N.nodes('from') AS D(N)

    OUTER APPLY S.N.nodes('created_time') AS E(N)

    OUTER APPLY S.N.nodes('likes') AS F(N)

  • You don't need to OUTER APPLY, just use relative xPath:


    S.N.value('name[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS UserName,

    S.N.value('id[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS UserID,

    S.N.value('../message[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS [Message],

    S.N.value('../from[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS [From],

    S.N.value('../created_time[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS [CreatedTime],

    S.N.value('../likes[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS [Likes]

    FROM ...

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  • Excellent Eugene Elutin,

    Thanks very much!

  • Hi guys,

    I am getting the error message:

    XML parsing: line 7, character 411, illegal name character

    just because I have characters like &, <, > in the data of the XML values.

    Are there any solutions to this? Maybe something similar to UrlEscape for link?

    I tried

    SELECT ID, CAST( REPLACE(CommentsData, '>', '') AS XML) CommentsData

    FROM tb_Posts

    but of course this deform the resultant XML



  • & (and some other) characters in XML needs to be escaped (eg. & for &).

    Otherwise, any XML parser will reject it as not well-formed XML...

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  • Hi Eugene,

    How can I escape the special characters (<, >, &) in XQUERY and successfully parse the XML ? The unfortunate thing is that I cannot ask the source to forward the XML without these special characters.



  • Jonathan Mallia (11/30/2012)

    Hi Eugene,

    How can I escape the special characters (<, >, &) in XQUERY and successfully parse the XML ? The unfortunate thing is that I cannot ask the source to forward the XML without these special characters.



    From computer perspective, if your text contains un-escapped xml special characters, this text is not XML! Try this:

    declare @xmldata1 xml = '<mydata>Bla Bla Bla</mydata>'

    and then this:

    declare @xmldata2 xml = '<mydata>Bla & Bla Bla</mydata>'

    You can see that the second one failed to assign the text to a variable of XML type.

    Now, you may have a real problem, as the only way to fix it is in a process which inserts data into your table! You cannot use REPLACE in sql to escape "<" and ">". It will destroy xml tags.

    So, change the source table column definition to XML (instead of text/varchar) and make sure when something is inserted there is real XML, not just XML looking text.

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