Help with XML Data Source Error

  • Pasted below is an error message I received in using a XML Data Source. My XML file was generated by Crystal Reports XI using the Crystal ML Schema.

    Can anyone suggest the best way to modify my XML file so that SSIS will accept it as a properly-configured XML Data Source?



    TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio


    Error at Data Flow Task [IPSLRFY08Q1 [55]]: There was an error setting up the mapping. The root element of a W3C XML Schema should be and its namespace should be ''.



    Pipeline component has returned HRESULT error code 0xC02090CF from a method call. (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)





  • send your XML file here and we will have a look.

    M.Sc.IT, M.B.A, MCTS BI 2008, MCITP BI 2008, MCTS SQL Dev, CSM, CDVDM

  • Valek,

    Pasted below is the beginning of one of the XML files, using just the first record.

    Thanks for checking this out.

    <Report xmlns = 'urn:crystal-reports:schemas'

    xmlns:xsi = ''

    xsi:schemaLocation = 'urn:crystal-reports:schemas SLR_FY07Q4_By_Hospital.xsd' >

  • Apparently, the last post didn't dispaly the full block of code. Please see the attached .txt file.



  • Sid Childers (2/20/2008)

    Apparently, the last post didn't dispaly the full block of code. Please see the attached .txt file.



    First of all, your XML is invalid. There is some garbage in the beginning and the end, looking like

    Remove if from there.

    Secondly, even if you remove this from the file, you will end up with a broken XML file. There are two tags that are not closed in the end of the file - ReportArea and Report. So stick the closing tags for ReportArea and Report to make the XML valid. (this forum cuts tags, damn it)

    Thirdly, SSIS needs data structure definition to be either in a separate XSD file or inline. Which means that if you don't have this XSD matching the info in the XML file, you need to make sure that the XML has it inside. Read here about what XSD is all about. You can actually create one manually or generate it, but I am not sure how...

    Hope it helps

    M.Sc.IT, M.B.A, MCTS BI 2008, MCITP BI 2008, MCTS SQL Dev, CSM, CDVDM

  • Here's what I've learned thus far:

    SSIS had a problem with the .xsd file generated by Crystal Reports XI. The schema SSIS needs is dated 2001 or later, and the .xsd generated by Crystal is dated 2000.

    I tried a different approach by exporting the Crystal Report to a .csv format. I'm now editing the .csv to make it work with SSIS by eliminating headers, footers etc.

    Question: I'm using Crystal Reports XI Is there a patch to Crystal that generates a .xsd that is compatible with SSIS/Visual Studio?



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