Help with procedure creation and execution

  • I created the procedure below, but the updates do not run, how do I run it all, could you help me?

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pp_updZeravalor] 

    @turnoid bigint,
    @ProdutoID int,
    @coletaid int,
    @areaid int,
    @sequencia int,
    @prefixo int,
    @Quantidade int=0,
    @Contador int=0,
    @valorUnitario int=0,
    @creditos int=0,
    @ValorMotorista int=0,
    @recebido int=0,
    @girosPagantes int=0

    select top 1
    @turnoid = t.TurnoID,
    @ProdutoID = tq.ProdutoID,
    @coletaid = col.coletaID,
    @areaid = col.area,
    @prefixo = col.prefixo,
    @sequencia = t.Sequencia

    from turnos t
    inner join turnos_qtd tq on t.TurnoID = tq.TurnoID
    left join coleta_detalhes col on t.Prefixo = col.prefixo
    and t.LinhaID = col.linha
    and t.Sequencia = col.sequencia
    and t.NumSerie = col.equipamento
    and t.DataFim = col.dataFim
    and t.DataIni = col.dataIni
    where 1 = 1
    and t.DataIni between '2021-03-01' and '2021-03-02'
    and t.MotoristaID in (103273, 103274, 63, 55015)
    and tq.ProdutoID in (47, 3)
    and (tq.Quantidade > 0 or col.girosPagantes >0)

    if (@turnoid <> 0 or @turnoid is not null) and (@produtoid is not null or @produtoid <> 0)


    update Viagens_qtd set Quantidade = @Quantidade, Contador = @Contador where turnoid = @turnoid and ProdutoID = @produtoid

    update ViagensEqvs set valorUnitario = @valorUnitario, creditos = @creditos where turnoid = @turnoid and ProdutoID = @produtoid

    update turnos_qtd set Quantidade = @Quantidade, Contador = @Contador where turnoid = @turnoid and ProdutoID = @produtoid

    update TurnosEqvs set valorUnitario = @valorUnitario, creditos = @creditos where turnoid = @turnoid and ProdutoID = @produtoid

    update TurnosDinheiro set ValorMotorista = @ValorMotorista where turnoid = @turnoid

    if @coletaid <> 0 or @coletaid is not null
    update coleta_detalhes set recebido = @recebido, girosPagantes = @girosPagantes where prefixo = @prefixo and sequencia = @sequencia and coletaID = @coletaid and area = @areaid
    @turnoid ,
    @coletaid ,
    @areaid ,
  • Does your  initial query return values?  If not, the variables will not contain values.

    Does it get inside the IF statement?  If not, then the initial query is not producing a record. If it is, then the various update statements are not finding a record to update.

    You can see what's being returned by adding a few "PRINT" statements to track flow, or configure the debugger and step through the code.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Add this statement immediately before the statement:

    if (@turnoid <> 0 or @turnoid is not null)

    That will help you see what results you are getting in the code and whether or not the code should enter the update block.

    select @@rowcount as rowcount,  @turnoid as TurnoID, @ProdutoID as ProdutoID,
    @coletaid as coletaID, @areaid as area, @prefixo as prefixo, @sequencia as Sequencia

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • So, I didn't really want to set up a procedure, I was patching it, using the select that is included in it, and I will also create a schedulle to run constantly.

    what I need in reality is that every time I contain the select information, reset this data.

    Could you help me write this script?

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