Help with creating first trigger

  • I hope you guys can help. I am looking to create a trigger that watches for updates to the sch_status column and fires when the update changes the value to 4. The code that will be executed is below with addition of some code to e-mail the results. It is the actual code to create the update trigger on the

    schedule table I need some help with.

    select s.sch_id,

    'Date Scheduled'=convert(varchar(17),s.sch_date,113),


    'Number Processed'=(select count(dl.sch_id) from distribution_list dl where

    dl.sch_id = s.sch_id and dl.delivery_status=2),

    'Total Number'=(select count(dl.sch_id) from distribution_list dl where

    dl.sch_id = s.sch_id),

    'Log file'= '\\Renown\eNewsletters\Logs\SE\'+

    convert(varchar(12),getdate(),112) +'.log'

    from schedule s

    where s.sch_status = 4

    order by s.sch_id

  • You might want to have a look at BOL for IF UPDATE to test in your trigger if your column is updated.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • The following is probably what you want. I joined the inserted table and changed the where clause to use the inserted table. I'm also assuming that sch_id is a primary key.

    select s.sch_id,

    'Date Scheduled'=convert(varchar(17),s.sch_date,113),


    'Number Processed'=(select count(dl.sch_id) from distribution_list dl where

    dl.sch_id = s.sch_id and dl.delivery_status=2),

    'Total Number'=(select count(dl.sch_id) from distribution_list dl where

    dl.sch_id = s.sch_id),

    'Log file'= '\\Renown\eNewsletters\Logs\SE\'+

    convert(varchar(12),getdate(),112) +'.log'

    from schedule s

    join inserted i on i.sch_id=s.sch_id

    where i.sch_status = 4

    order by s.sch_id

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