Help SELECT getdate() always returns a date in yyyy-mm-dd format!!!

  • I am pulling my hair out trying to get SQL Server 2005 to use British Date format. If iI execute the statement select getdate() within a query window it returns a date in US format - for example 2008-02-15 11:35:13.503

    Things I have tried

    1. I have changed my login to have a default language of British English

    2. Executed EXEC sp_configure 'default language', 23



    3. Change the Default language within the Advanced server properties to British English (Bizarrely SQL still shows US English within the General tab)

    4. executed SET DATEFORMAT dmy before running a query

    running select @@LANGUAGE in my query window returns British

    Has anyone experienced this before

  • Actually the output is in "odbc canonical with milliseconds" rather than US format.

    If you want the date in another format (for display purposes) then you can use the CONVERT function, like so:

    select convert(varchar, getdate(), 103)

    The third parameter, with a value of 103 is the style, which defines what style you get the date back. All of the other styles are listed in BOL.

  • As said SQLZ, with CONVERT or CAST you can format your date correctly as you wish with the code

  • Hi ,

    Try this :

    select CONVERT(VARCHAR,getdate(),103)

    Best Regards
    Faheem latif
    Senior Database Architect
    Genie Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd.

  • Many thanks for your kind help.

    The reason I was experimenting with British date format was because one of our clients reported an issue with our application (that has a SQL backend) where they were experiencing US date formats.

    If SQL always stores the date in the same way - what controls how it is presented (I thought the language of the login but that does not seem to have an affect?

    Thanks again for your help

  • As you've deduced, SQL Server dates are stored in the same way, so the only way to control how it is presented is to change the format of the date, which you can using the convert/cast function or to make that change in the user interface code.

  • thanks karl

  • Although Datetime Data is stored in the same way regardless of language, there will be problems when inserting 30/06/1980 (English) as oppose to 06/30/1980 (US). Does anyone know how to change the language of SQL Server from English(US) to English(UK) so that UK dates can be inserted ??

  • Try:

    set language british

    That should change your regional settings (for the given connection) to british.

    I however tyhink you might need to look at the


    syntax instead (it will tell what to default the parsing of dates to).

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • My server is running on US_English, but this worked:

    set language british

    create table #DateTest (

    Date datetime)

    insert into #datetest

    select '30/06/1980'

    select *

    from #datetest

    Without the set language command, the rest of the code generates the usual "whoa, I can't understand what you're saying, dude" type error. With that command, it works perfectly.

    Since set language changes the language only for that connection, I would think that setting the server language to British would handle the problem on those dates, and create a problem with US dates.

    If you have pages that are used in both locations, you might need to set the language in the proc that inserts the data. It can take variables per BOL.

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