Help required please.

  • Hi,

    I wonder if anyone can help with the following issue?

    I am attempting to find records with the following critria;


    DROP Table #tmpDocSummary

    select D1.ClientID , I1.*

    INTO ##tmpDocSummary

    From tDocSummary I1

    INNER JOIN tIdentity D1

    ON I1.IdentityNbr = D1.IdentityNbr

    where I1.ApplNbr is not null

    and convert(varchar(10),I1.DateExpiry,120) >= convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),120)

    and I1.SingleMultiple = 'M'

    and I1.LabelStatus = 'A'

    and I1.Status = 'I'

    and I1.Permitted = 1


    However this returns several records and I require the record with the highest DocSummaryKey;


    SELECT IdentityNbr FROM ##tmpDocSummary

    WHERE ClientID NOT IN ( SELECT ID.ClientID FROM tImmDocSummary t1

    INNER JOIN tIdentity ID

    ON t1.IdentityNbr = ID.IdentityNbr

    INNER JOIN ##tmpDocSummary t2

    ON ID.ClientID = t2.ClientID

    WHERE t1.DocSummaryKey >=t2.DocSummaryKey

    and t1.SingleMultiple = 'M'

    and t1.LabelStatus = 'A'

    and t1.Status = 'A'

    and t1.Permitted = 1)


    Is there any way of combining this statement to make it cleaner, maybe a cursor?

    Thanks, Phil

  • Couple of things, and no, you don't want a cursor if I understand you right.

    phil.layzell (3/24/2011)

    and convert(varchar(10),I1.DateExpiry,120) >= convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),120)

    This can't index seek, it's considered non-SARGable, because you've wrapped DateExpiry in a function. Is the purpose of this simply to trim the timestamp? There's more effective workarounds that won't kill your indexing, but want to make sure that's the purpose before we go there.

    However this returns several records and I require the record with the highest DocSummaryKey;

    Do you want the ClientID with the highest DocSummaryKey, or the highest DocSummaryKey per ClientID?

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Thanks for responding so quick.:-)

    I need the highest DocSummaryKey per ClientId.

  • Phil, why this?

    and convert(varchar(10),I1.DateExpiry,120) >= convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),120)

    Change that to:


    SET @Now = GETDATE()

    AND l1.DateExpiry = @Now

    Secondly, can you explain your situation with some nice sample data and nice expected result?

  • Try this:


    SET @Now = GETDATE()

    DROP Table #tmpDocSummary

    ; with cte as


    select D1.ClientID , I1.*

    , rn = row_number over(partition by d1.clientid order by I1.DocSummaryKey DESC) -- added new

    From tDocSummary I1

    INNER JOIN tIdentity D1

    ON I1.IdentityNbr = D1.IdentityNbr

    where I1.ApplNbr is not null

    and l1.DateExpiry = @Now -- added new

    and I1.SingleMultiple = 'M'

    and I1.LabelStatus = 'A'

    and I1.Status = 'I'

    and I1.Permitted = 1


    select *

    INTO ##tmpDocSummary

    from cte where rn = 1

    {Edit : Moved the INTO ##tmpDocSummary statetment out of the CTE}

  • Thanks, using a Variable makes sense.

    The result set I am getting is,

    CLIENTID DocSummaryKey

    101 10000

    101 10001

    105 20000

    105 20001

    I need to extract the highest DocSummaryKey's 10001 & 20001

  • Can you supply the ddl for the tables and a little sample data?

    I was in the middle of providing a pretty quick (usually) cross apply solution, and then realized I didn't know where to connect up all the dots. 🙂

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tDocSummary](

    [DocSummaryKey] [dbo].[Id_dom] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL,

    [DocKey] [dbo].[Id_dom] NULL,

    [IdentityNbr] [dbo].[Id_dom] NOT NULL,

    [DateExpiry] [dbo].[Date_dom] NULL,

    [SingleMultiple] [dbo].[Indicator_dom] NULL,

    [MonthsAllowed] [dbo].[Count_dom] NULL,

    [ValidTo] [dbo].[DateTime_dom] NULL,

    [Type] [dbo].[Type_dom] NULL,

    [Key] [dbo].[Id_dom] NULL,

    [ApplNbr] [dbo].[Id_dom] NULL,

    [Ind] [dbo].[Indicator_dom] NULL,

    [Status] [dbo].[Status_dom] NOT NULL,

    [Key] [dbo].[Id_dom] NULL,

    [DocType] [dbo].[Type_dom] NULL,

    [LabelStatus] [dbo].[Status_dom] NULL,

    [DateTimeCreated] [dbo].[DateTime_dom] NOT NULL,

    [LabelNbr] [dbo].[Id_dom] NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tIdentity](

    [IdentityNbr] [dbo].[Id_dom] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL,

    [ClientId] [dbo].[Id_dom] NOT NULL


    The query returns ;


    10001 530000

    10001 530001

    I need to pull back the record with the DocSummaryKey of 530001.

    Thanks 🙂

  • Try this:





    (SELECT DISTINCT ClientID from tIdentity) AS drv





    -- picked a few random fields here, choose what you want to return...




    tDocSummary AS ds


    tIdentity AS i

    ONds.IdentityNbr = i.IdentityNbr


    i.clientID = drv.ClientID


    DocSummaryKey DESC

    ) AS ca

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Can you give us some MOCK-UP sample data to base our queries ?

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