Help Needed: how to Get the expected Output from My Query !..

  • Hi Friends,

    Please advice me how can I get the expected output from the below Query:

    as of now it returns 1 of two columns whereas I need the both 2 column's output. kindly suggest me.



    DECLARE @hdoc int

    DECLARE @doc varchar(1000)

    SET @doc = '















    exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc output, @doc

    select *

    from openxml(@hdoc,'/MasterData/Data',2)

    with (Id int, ApprovalId int)

    exec sp_xml_removedocument @hdoc


    all your valued suggestions are appreciated sincerely...

    Thanks in Advance


  • Change this from

    with (Id int, ApprovalId int)


    with (id int, ApprovalId int)

    its case sensitive 😉

  • yahoo... !!!

    its rocking.. thanks man.. working fine..



  • glad to help you 🙂

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