Help needed for very simple data manipulation

  • Hi,

    I have the following table

    test 1 | test 2 | test 3 | test4 | AND | NY

    test 1 | test 2 | test 3 | test4 | OR | LA

    test 1 | test 2 | test 3 | test4 | OR | ME

    test 5 | test 6 | test 7 | test7 | AND | LA

    test 8 | test 9 | test 1 | test4 | AND | NY

    test 8 | test 9 | test 1 | test4 | OR | FL

    And I want this

    test 1 | test 2 | test 3 | test4 | AND | NY OR LA OR ME

    test 5 | test 6 | test 7 | test7 | AND | LA

    test 8 | test 9 | test 1 | test4 | AND | NY OR FL

    Table was generated from shredding an XML where the last 2 columns is multi layered.

    I tried to do a merge statement but did not work since multiple fields qualifies. Did not have much luck with a self join either. Anybody has any ideas?

  • I think this a case for using 'FOR XML' to concatenate the last two columns,

    however we will need the table DDL and insert statements to create the data in the table

    plus more exact data for the last two columns, i.e. do AND / OR have leading/trailing spaces?

    and how do you determine the sequence of the last two columns?

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Sample DDL is always helpful; I put some together for your this time. I think you are looking for something like this:

    -- (1) Sample DDL and Sample data

    DECLARE @yourtable TABLE


    c1 varchar(20) not null,

    c2 varchar(20) not null,

    c3 varchar(20) not null,

    c4 varchar(20) not null,

    c5 varchar(20) not null,

    c6 varchar(20) not null


    INSERT INTO @yourtable VALUES

    ('test 1','test 2','test 3','test4','AND','NY'),

    ('test 1','test 2','test 3','test4','OR','LA'),

    ('test 1','test 2','test 3','test4','OR','ME'),

    ('test 5','test 6','test 7','test7','AND','LA'),

    ('test 8','test 9','test 1','test4','AND','NY'),

    ('test 8','test 9','test 1','test4','OR','FL');

    -- (2) Solution


    x AS






    xx = (SELECT c5+' '+c6+' ' FROM @yourtable yt2 WHERE yt1.c1 = yt2.c1 FOR XML PATH(''))

    FROM @yourtable yt1


    SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4, xx

    FROM x

    GROUP BY c1, c2, c3, c4, xx;

    Edit: Code Formatting was off...

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Option 2

    I was making the assumption that "AND"/"OR" values were not in their own column. If I was wrong, here's another option:


    x AS






    xx = (SELECT c5+' '+c6+' ' FROM @yourtable yt2 WHERE yt1.c1 = yt2.c1 FOR XML PATH(''))

    FROM @yourtable yt1


    SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4, cx1 = substring(xx, 1, charindex(' ',xx)), cx2 = substring(xx, charindex(' ',xx)+1, len(xx))

    FROM x

    GROUP BY c1, c2, c3, c4, xx;


    Table was generated from shredding an XML where the last 2 columns is multi layered.

    I don't know who is doing the XML shredding but why not just modify the XML code used to generate the table to get you the result that you are looking for. That seems to make more sense. Just a thought.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Thanks guys,

    Thanks for taking the time to review my request. Sorry for not displaying more descriptive data. Below is the modified data that i used to produce the table (select into). This is essentially an xml file that I extracted from drive mapping in the Group Policy Preference section. As you can see, There is some uncertainty found within the <Filters> </Filters> section which makes my task more difficult.


    declare @Doc XML

    declare @order int

    SET @Doc = cast('

    <Drives clsid="{8FDDCC1A-0C3C-43cd-A6B4-71A6DF20DA8C}">

    <Drive clsid="{935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}" name="B:" status="B:" image="2" changed="2011-07-29 19:47:03" uid="{6620ED0E-FBB0-49B6-8F36-89C8ADE22620}" desc="This is description" bypassErrors="1">

    <Properties action="U" thisDrive="SHOW" allDrives="NOCHANGE" userName="" path="\\USFILESERVER\temp\Tommy" label="Archive" persistent="0" useLetter="1" letter="B"/>


    <FilterUser bool="AND" not="0" name="Company\TBill" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-28442"/>



    <Drive clsid="{935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}" name="B:" status="B:" image="2" changed="2011-03-23 16:49:00" uid="{94FD6371-5FF0-4F8D-896A-5F91FDF25E88}" desc="This is a description" bypassErrors="1">

    <Properties action="U" thisDrive="SHOW" allDrives="NOCHANGE" userName="" path="\\USFILESERVER1\temp\Sounza" label="Archive" persistent="0" useLetter="1" letter="B"/>


    <FilterUser bool="AND" not="0" name="Company\Sounza" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-24196"/>

    <FilterUser bool="OR" not="0" name="Company\Silva" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-24201"/>



    <Drive clsid="{935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}" name="F:" status="F:" image="2" changed="2011-03-01 15:35:43" uid="{3929C79C-6ACD-4D9E-A125-0C5EF62CF69D}" desc="Fake Reports" bypassErrors="1">

    <Properties action="U" thisDrive="NOCHANGE" allDrives="NOCHANGE" userName="" path="\\USFILESERVER1\temp\Accounting" label="FakeReports" persistent="0" useLetter="1" letter="F"/>


    <FilterCollection bool="AND" not="0">

    <FilterGroup bool="AND" not="0" name="Company\Accounting" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-18728" userContext="1" primaryGroup="0" localGroup="0"/>

    <FilterGroup bool="OR" not="0" name="Company\Dept_US_Accounting_Systems" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-23834" userContext="1" primaryGroup="0" localGroup="0"/>


    <FilterCollection bool="OR" not="0">

    <FilterGroup bool="AND" not="0" name="Company\Accounting_General" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-23654" userContext="1" primaryGroup="0" localGroup="0"/>

    <FilterGroup bool="OR" not="0" name="Company\Accounting_Systems_DEPT" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-23656" userContext="1" primaryGroup="0" localGroup="0"/>




    <Drive clsid="{935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}" name="W:" status="W:" image="2" changed="2012-10-11 23:26:09" uid="{929701C3-2A79-40CA-8E62-DB4DEAAB1758}" disabled="1" desc="Drive mapping for Cerico test server" bypassErrors="1">

    <Properties action="U" thisDrive="NOCHANGE" allDrives="NOCHANGE" userName="" path="\\USCERICO\hr" label="CeridianTST" persistent="0" useLetter="1" letter="W"/>


    <FilterCollection bool="AND" not="0">

    <FilterGroup bool="AND" not="0" name="Company\Cerico" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-15423" userContext="1" primaryGroup="0" localGroup="0"/>


    <FilterCollection bool="AND" not="0">

    <FilterComputer bool="OR" not="0" type="NETBIOS" name="USSERVER10"/>




    <Drive clsid="{935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}" name="F:" status="F:" image="2" changed="2012-10-29 15:07:17" uid="{3F9E8CF4-41F1-4196-9959-7E6FA0543F19}" disabled="0" desc="Drive mapp for Data room. Per management request. " bypassErrors="1">

    <Properties action="U" thisDrive="SHOW" allDrives="NOCHANGE" userName="" path="\\EUFLANDE01\FLANDETUY" label="Archive" persistent="0" useLetter="1" letter="F"/>


    <FilterUser bool="AND" not="0" name="Company\cohens" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-31844"/>

    <FilterUser bool="OR" not="0" name="Company\Landigo" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-38278"/>

    <FilterUser bool="OR" not="0" name="Company\Raradibe" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-38279"/>

    <FilterUser bool="OR" not="0" name="Company\Wocerihe" sid="S-1-5-21-53361137-2144680551-1845911597-24156"/>



    </Drives>' as XML)

    select y.[desc].value('@letter','varchar (230)') as letter

    ,x.[desc].value('@desc[1]','varchar (230)') as [desc]

    ,y.[desc].value('@path','varchar (230)') as [path]

    ,y.[desc].value('@label','varchar (230)') as Label

    ,x.[desc].value('@changed','varchar (230)') as [Last Changed]

    ,z.[desc].value('@bool','varchar(10)') as condition

    ,z.[desc].value('@name','varchar(1000)') as Username

    from @doc.nodes('/Drives/Drive') x ([desc])


    apply x.[desc].nodes('Properties') y ([desc])


    apply x.[desc].nodes('Filters/FilterUser') z ([desc])


  • Not sure but maybe something like this?

    WITH ParsedXML AS


    select y.[desc].value('@letter','varchar (230)') as letter

    ,x.[desc].value('@desc[1]','varchar (230)') as [desc]

    ,y.[desc].value('@path','varchar (230)') as [path]

    ,y.[desc].value('@label','varchar (230)') as Label

    ,x.[desc].value('@changed','varchar (230)') as [Last Changed]

    ,z.[desc].value('@bool','varchar(10)') as condition

    ,z.[desc].value('@name','varchar(1000)') as Username

    from @doc.nodes('/Drives/Drive') x ([desc])


    apply x.[desc].nodes('Properties') y ([desc])


    apply x.[desc].nodes('Filters/FilterUser') z ([desc])


    AddRN AS


    SELECT *, rn=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [desc] ORDER BY condition)

    FROM ParsedXML


    SELECT letter, [desc], [path], [Label]

    ,Username = STUFF(


    SELECT ' OR ' + Username

    FROM AddRn b

    WHERE a.[desc] = b.[desc]

    ORDER BY rn

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ), 1, 4, '')

    FROM AddRn a

    GROUP BY letter, [desc], [path], [Label]

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=

  • This is very closed to what I was looking for. You definitely took care of the multiple usernames associated to the Filteruser tag. But ideally, I would like keep the final set to remain in the same order.

    "SELECT ' OR ' + Username" - The "OR" can also be a "AND" in other cases.

    I can always edit the XML to replace Filtergroup with FilterUser, that would take care of the multiple filtergroup membership.

    As far as the other (filter) variations, they come far and few in between.

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