Help a Newbie!! Need to set IP address - Please!

  • I just setup SQL 2000 Evaluation edition on my dedicated web server and it didn't prompt for the IP address to assign to the SQL server. Instead I have to use the SQL server/instance name to connect to it, and I can only connect to it from scripts on my server. This is not a problem.

    The problem is I want to be able to connect to the web server with enterprise manager from home on a computer that is not the web server. I have used enterprise manager in the past to connect to a server without a problem using the IP address. The problem is the web server that is running IIS and SQL server doesn't allow me to assign this iP address. But the SQL server logs say that the server is listening to all the IP addresses I have on the server, I have 4 IPs. One is not even in use so maybe the SQL server would be assign to it.

    I have the TCP/IP protocol enabled on the SQL network configuration.

    Now I have no way to actually access the SQL server from home without using PCanywhere to login to the web server it self.

    I've looked at all the tutorial and books online for SQL server and it always says it will allow you to assign the IP address to the SQl server during Setup, but not on my setup. If I try to use enterprise manager from home, it doesn't register the server and can't connect using any IP address.

    I am having a very difficult time not having any way to connect to my server besides a .asp script database editor.

    I want to be able to export files, etc from home. I have used enterprise manager for a year now, but never have been forced to install my own SQL server at the last minute. This is a very serious problem, I hope I installed the SQL server properly, as I am getting around 150,000 queries a day and it is working fine so far as a local machine SQL server.

    I've been posting messages in asp forums for about 3 years, and have never got a reply for any of topics I post. I am not really counting on a reply. I usually figure them our weeks later on my own after hundreds of hours of no sleep. But if anyone can help me, please do, it will save me the weeks it will take me to look up the info or by the time I schedule and take a class to get the info I need.

    Thank you advance

  • Is the web server behind a firewall? If so, did you open up the TCP port SQL Server is listening on (You can find out which port by going to Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server | Server Network Utility and viewing the properties for the TCP/IP netLib.

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks for the reply.

    Yes TCP/IP is enabled, and I set it to port 1433. It is not behind a firewall as far as I know.

    Infact, I can't even connect to it using the IP address from an asp script on the server, I am forced only to use the server name.

  • use the IP<your ip>,SERVER PORT<1433> as the servername

  • On my computer at home, it doesn't work. Can't connect using the IP address of the server from enterprise manager.

    And on web server, I can't change the name of the instance to the IP address, because 1) I have scripts reading using the database 2) it will just rename the instance, it won't really help me to be able to access the computer from another, or will it?

    On the server, it has only the port number assignment on the TCP/IP network utility, no place for IP address.

  • are you sure this isnt behind a firewall?!!

  • The server is co-located a a hosting company, but I have Imail server running too and a U-Serv FTP which uses many ports without a problem.

    Plus even if it was, I beleive I would be able to connect to it using the IP address from scripts on the server it self. But I can't only using the instance name.

    I see there is something about Remote Winsock proxy address? is this have something to do with it? I think I might be able to set this somehow.

  • Interesting.

    I saw that you tried checking what IP addresses SQL is using, but humor me and check the SQL Server Log file (SQL EM) for the entry "SQL server listening on <IP address>:<port>" - it should be near the top of the log file. If you saw anything other than a direct reference to an IP address and a port, you're probably listening only on named pipes.

    OK. You checked that and tried all four (?) IP addresses with no luck. Slim chance, but try connecting again like this (we'll refer to your IP address as for this discussion - please don't reply with the actual IP address)

    First, ping from home. If you don't get a reply, the problem may or may not be SQL if your ISP denies pings. Then this won't prove anything. If it responds to a ping, try pinging your domain name. See if the IP addresses match any you tried using.

    Next, try connecting (via Query Analyzer) to the server with the server name as,1433. If that doesn't work, try checking your client's connect info using the Client Network Utility. This will enable you to [specifically] target the server with a connect string. May or may not help.

    It may be that you are attempting to connect using a "non-routable" IP address. Give a call to your ISP and find out what the "external" IP address is - if you can't ping the address you think is right.

    As a last ditch, try this. Assuming your domain name is, try entering that domain name in Enterprise Manager. A variation would be to include ",1433" in the server name string (without the quotes of course...)

    Good luck. If your server isn't behind a firewall, you'll need it.

    BTW: [Please] check to make sure your SA password isn't null and you have your service packs/hotfixes up to date. I hate the smell of burning newbies...

  • Thanks for the reply.

    I tried everything and it still doesn't help.

    I used Query Analyzer like you said to connect using the IP and it failed to connect.

    I pinged all my IPs and of course they ping great less than 45 Ms for all 4. So it is not a connect problem.

    And I tried using my domain name, says same thing Invalid connection - connection open.

    I have tried to use the network config ulitity and set all the protocols enabled and everything, but still nothing.

    Also I have all patches and fixes and have all passwords set.

    I guess there is no way to help me, may I have to uninstall it again and see what happens this time.

    Any further help would be appreciated.

  • Have you tried adding the servername - ip address combination to the HOSTS file?

    I have the same problem on our LAN. I cannot connect to the SQL Server (not in EM anyway, Query Analyzer works fine) just using the IP address:Port combination. It times out, and the two machines are on the same hub !!!

  • try telnetting in. From the command line:

    telnet <IP address> 1433

    If you get a connection refused, it's likely they are blocking port 1433 at the firewall.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

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