Having problems with SQL Server 2022 CU5 (docker ubuntu image) - is it ready?

  • Ubuntu image came from here - https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-mssql-server?tab=description

    1. DBCC is failing - "can not create database snapshots"
    2. syspolicy_purge_history is failing due to a missing PowerShell installation
    3. master.sys.dm_server_services - is not listing the engine at all while listing agent running?
    4. Can't enable SQL Server Agent Alerts - most likely due to master.dbo.sp_MSsetalertinfo and msdb.dbo.sp_set_sqlagent_properties usage of registry
  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Is this a production workload?

  • Not in production yet, but that was the plan.

    1 - might be fixed via docker variables.env file (something to do with a sparse file for the database snapshot on the NFS mount)

    2 & 4 apparently are known and documented here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/linux/sql-server-linux-editions-and-components-2022?view=sql-server-ver16


    3 - no idea how to solve it, that being said it's a minor problem

  • Would not run SQL server in docker. Containers are good for stateless applications, and SQL server is very much stateful. You won't get automatic scaling, auto recovery, load balancing etc, with a SQL server in a container you could in a stateless application. You are just adding complexity and overhead and receiving no benefit.

    I wouldn't run SQL on Linux either, but would certainly run it on Linux before running it in a container. Containers are nice to quickly deploy SQL for testing something or dev, but they introduce a lot of problems for a production workload.

  • Very good feedback, thank you.

  • Evetually, we might abandon running SQL server in docker/ubuntu, until then, here are few solutions:

    DBCC is failing - "can not create database snapshots"

    Changing to vers=4.2 in the variables.env file took care of the DBCC snapshot problems (credit goes to Andrew Pruski)

    syspolicy_purge_history is failing due to a missing PowerShell installation

    Checking if we can add PowerShell

    master.sys.dm_server_services - is not listing the engine at all while listing agent running?

    This problem is going to stay as-is

    Can't enable SQL Server Agent Alerts - most likely due to master.dbo.sp_MSsetalertinfo and msdb.dbo.sp_set_sqlagent_properties usage of registry

    Will add a workaround = add the last step that checks if the job is failing and uses sp_notify_operator

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