Group Ranges First and Last values

  • I have the following table with sample data

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Lots](

    [lot_nbr] [int] NOT NULL,

    [lot_suffix] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,

    [lot_nbrDec] AS (CONVERT([decimal](19,6),(CONVERT([varchar](10),[lot_nbr],(0))+'.')+case len(isnull([lot_suffix],'')) when (0) then '' when (1) then CONVERT([varchar](2),ascii(upper(isnull([lot_suffix],'0'))),(0)) when (2) then CONVERT([varchar](2),ascii(upper(isnull([lot_suffix],'0'))),(0))+CONVERT([varchar](2),ascii(upper(substring([lot_suffix],(2),(1)))),(0)) when (3) then (CONVERT([varchar](2),ascii(upper(isnull([lot_suffix],'0'))),(0))+CONVERT([varchar](2),ascii(upper(substring([lot_suffix],(2),(1)))),(0)))+CONVERT([varchar](2),ascii(upper(substring([lot_suffix],(3),(1)))),(0)) end,(0))) PERSISTED,

    [lot_OwnerID] [int] NOT NULL,



    [lot_nbr] ASC,

    [lot_suffix] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    ( lot_nbr, lot_suffix, lot_OwnerID )



    I would like a set based solution (as there can me thousands of rows) to get the lot ranges (first and last lot_nbr, lot_suffix) for each grouping of each lot_OwnerID as follows








    I have a feeling that there is a relatively simple solution, but can't put my finger on it.

    Suggestions please?

  • What are you grouping by, other than lot_OwnerID?

  • Here's a possible solution, but I don't know if it's the best.

    WITH cteLots AS(

    SELECT *,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY lot_nbr) rn,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY lot_OwnerID ORDER BY lot_nbr, lot_nbrDec) rn2

    FROM dbo.Lots


    cteFirstLast AS(

    SELECT lot_OwnerID,

    rn -rn2 grouper,

    CASE WHEN rn2 = MIN(rn2) OVER( PARTITION BY rn -rn2) THEN lot_suffix END AS lot_suffixFirst,

    CASE WHEN rn2 = MIN(rn2) OVER( PARTITION BY rn -rn2) THEN lot_nbr END AS lot_nbrFirst,

    CASE WHEN rn2 = MAX(rn2) OVER( PARTITION BY rn -rn2) THEN lot_suffix END AS lot_suffixLast,

    CASE WHEN rn2 = MAX(rn2) OVER( PARTITION BY rn -rn2) THEN lot_nbr END AS lot_nbrLast

    FROM cteLots c1


    SELECT lot_OwnerID,

    MAX(lot_nbrFirst) AS lot_nbrFirst,

    MAX(lot_suffixFirst) AS lot_suffixFirst,

    MAX(lot_nbrLast) AS lot_nbrLast,

    MAX(lot_suffixLast) AS lot_suffixLast

    FROM cteFirstLast

    GROUP BY lot_OwnerID, grouper

    ORDER BY lot_OwnerID, lot_nbrFirst

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • sestell1,

    Thanks for the quick response.

    The only grouping is on lot_OwnerID, but they need to be contiguous groups. So there will be multiple groups for each lot_OwnerID. Or maybe we can say gouping on lot_OwnerID and first/last of each contiguous group?


    Thanks for the quick response and solution. It works well with the sample data, but on my live data, there are some nulls. I must have missed something when creating the sample, so it will take me some time to dig in and find what I missed.

  • Luis,

    Thank you. You gave me the jumpstart that I needed. Here us what I ended up with:



    L2.lot_nbr AS lot_nbrFirst,

    L2.lot_suffix AS lot_suffixFirst,

    L3.lot_nbr AS lot_nbrLast,

    L3.lot_suffix AS lot_suffixLast





    MIN(GRP.lot_nbrDec) AS FirstLot, MAX(GRP.lot_nbrDec) AS LastLot



    SELECT L.lot_nbr, L.lot_suffix, lot_OwnerID, L.lot_nbrDec ,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY lot_nbrDec) rn,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY lot_OwnerID ORDER BY lot_nbrDec) rn2

    FROM dbo.Lots AS L

    ) AS GRP


    GRP.rn - GRP.rn2, GRP.lot_OwnerID

    ) AS


    dbo.Lots AS L2 ON CLG.FirstLot = L2.lot_nbrDec INNER JOIN

    dbo.Lots AS L3 ON CLG.LastLot = L3.lot_nbrDec

    ORDER BY CLG.lot_OwnerID, L2.lot_nbrDec

  • I'm glad I could help even if it wasn't a complete solution for you, but at least you got an idea that worked for you. And it's even better that I'm not just dropping code that the final user won't understand.

    I'm sure that your code can be improved for performance, but if it works for you, then it's fine as we don't have the complete picture.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • All true, it just wouldn't be practical to post the whole picture. Performance is good. 2 seconds on nearly 500,000 rows and it typically would not be run on that many rows.

    Thanks again

  • Sorry, I think I'm still missing something. :unsure:

    If they are contiguous groupings, shouldn't the first group in your test case for owner 22 be 4 A 5 A, since there is no lot_nbr 6 for owner 22?

  • As I understood, it's not about consecutive lot_nbr values. It's about the groups for owner id resulting when you order by lot_nbr.

    If you run the following query, it should become clear.

    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.Lots

    ORDER BY lot_nbr

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I'm probably using the word contiguous very loosely. In any case, my modification of Luis' solution does just what I need with good performance.

  • I see what you are doing now.

    Thanks both of you.

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