group page break adding blank pages

  • I have a report that I am grouping the data and setting the page to break after each group (check box "Page break at end").  When I View Report in Preview, the report looks perfect.  Four pages, four groups.  In this case, each group fits on one page.  When I click on the magnifying glass to see the print view, it returns 8 pages.  There is a completely blank page (except for page header) on every even page.  This is the case when a group goes to two pages as well.  If I run the report and get 5 pages with 4 groups, I still get 10 pages when viewing for printing.  How can I keep the page break and get rid of the extra page?  This is really bad when the report is over 1000 pages... making it over 2000 pages for nothing.
  • From what I've seen, the print preview adds a page break after each group, regardless of any page breaks you already have.  I don't think there's any option to turn that off, although I'd love for someone to correct me on that.

    My suggestion would be to make 2 copies of the report - one for printing and one for viewing.  Or, if it's not terribly important that it looks pretty, just take your page breaks out.  Both crummy workarounds, I know.

    Sorry Sharlyn, this probably wasn't too much help.

    Good Luck,


    Two muffins are sitting in an oven. The first one turns to the second and says "pretty hot in here, huh?"
    The second muffin glances at the first and then shrieks in fear,

  • I don't really care if the print preview has them if it just didn't print that way!    I have not deployed the server yet, so I'm only working in Visual Studio right now.  When it comes time to deploy to pdf or whatever, will this be a problem?

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