GROUP BY conundrum

  • I hope my problem is self-explanatory based on the query I'm using and the result it returns.

    SELECT p.product,

    CASE WHEN[] = 0 THEN sum(j.qty_delivered) END AS 'Standard Delivered',

    CASE WHEN [] <> 0 THEN sum(j.qty_delivered) END AS 'Holiday Delivered',

    sum(j.qty_delivered) AS 'Total Delivered',

    FROM jobs j

    RIGHT OUTER JOIN products p

    ON j.product_id = p.product_id

    WHERE month(job_date) = 9 and

    year(job_date) = 2012

    GROUP BY p.product,

    [font="Courier New"]ProductStandard Delivered Holiday Delivered Total Delivered

    Widget 156NULL156



    Widget NULL1010











    Widget NULL44





    What I need is a single row for each product type with the sum in each column.

    The reason why I'm not getting this result is because I'm grouping by holiday which can contain any value between 0-9 (0 = not a holiday, 1-9 = different holiday locations.) So I'm seeing a product line for every holiday value.

    I'm pretty sure I need to resolve this problem using a sub-query but I'm at a loss how to go about it.

    Please can anybody advise?

  • I'm getting an error trying to run the query.

    Are you sure it's right?

    declare @jobs as table (product_id int, job_date date, holiday int, qty_delivered int);

    insert @jobs values (1, '01 Sep 2012', 1, 25);

    insert @jobs values (2, '01 Sep 2012', 1, 25);

    declare @products as table (product_id int, product varchar(25));

    insert @products values (1, 'product1');

    insert @products values (2, 'product2');

    select * from @jobs;

    select * from @products;

    --I hope my problem is self-explanatory based on the query I'm using and the result is returns.

    SELECT p.product,

    CASE WHEN[] = 0 THEN sum(j.qty_delivered) END AS 'Standard Delivered',

    --CASE WHEN [] <> 0 THEN sum(j.qty_delivered) END AS 'Holiday Delivered',

    sum(j.qty_delivered) AS 'Total Delivered'

    FROM @jobs j

    RIGHT OUTER JOIN @products p

    ON j.product_id = p.product_id

    WHERE month(job_date) = 9 and

    year(job_date) = 2012

    GROUP BY p.product,

  • It's [].....

    Right -

  • Is this right?

    declare @jobs as table (product_id int, job_date date, holiday int, qty_delivered int);

    insert @jobs values (1, '01 Sep 2012', 1, 25);

    insert @jobs values (1, '01 Sep 2012', 1, 25);

    insert @jobs values (1, '01 Sep 2012', 1, 25);

    insert @jobs values (1, '01 Sep 2012', 0, 40);

    insert @jobs values (1, '01 Sep 2012', 0, 16);

    insert @jobs values (2, '01 Sep 2012', 1, 55);

    insert @jobs values (2, '02 Sep 2012', 0, 29);

    declare @products as table (product_id int, product varchar(25));

    insert @products values (1, 'product1');

    insert @products values (2, 'product2');

    select * from @jobs;

    select * from @products;

    --You need to wrap the whole CASE stmt in SUM(), & get rid of from the GROUP BY.

    SELECT p.product,

    SUM(CASE WHEN = 0 THEN j.qty_delivered END) AS 'Standard Delivered',

    SUM(CASE WHEN <> 0 THEN j.qty_delivered END) AS 'Holiday Delivered',

    sum(j.qty_delivered) AS 'Total Delivered'

    FROM @jobs j

    RIGHT OUTER JOIN @products p

    ON j.product_id = p.product_id

    WHERE month(job_date) = 9 and

    year(job_date) = 2012

    GROUP BY p.product

  • And for general performance reasons, get rid of the functions on the date/datetime column:

    SELECT p.product,

    SUM(CASE WHEN = 0 THEN j.qty_delivered END) AS 'Standard Delivered',

    SUM(CASE WHEN <> 0 THEN j.qty_delivered END) AS 'Holiday Delivered',

    sum(j.qty_delivered) AS 'Total Delivered'

    FROM @jobs j

    RIGHT OUTER JOIN @products p

    ON j.product_id = p.product_id

    WHERE j.job_date >= '20120901' AND j.job_date < '20121001'

    GROUP BY p.product

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • Perfect. 😀

    Thanks Laurie.

  • ScottPletcher (9/28/2012)

    And for general performance reasons, get rid of the functions on the date/datetime column:

    SELECT p.product,

    SUM(CASE WHEN = 0 THEN j.qty_delivered END) AS 'Standard Delivered',

    SUM(CASE WHEN <> 0 THEN j.qty_delivered END) AS 'Holiday Delivered',

    sum(j.qty_delivered) AS 'Total Delivered'

    FROM @jobs j

    RIGHT OUTER JOIN @products p

    ON j.product_id = p.product_id

    WHERE j.job_date >= '20120901' AND j.job_date < '20121001'

    GROUP BY p.product

    Ah, okay. Will do that. Thanks Scott.

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