granting permissions on database level

  • Does any of you knowledgeable DBAs know how to grant execute permissions on a database level? To be more specific, I would like to give execute permissions to a login account for our application. I'd like to give an account permission on all user created stored procedures in a given database, but I want it to work universally on all databases, on several systems (SQL 7 and 2k). I noticed I could get a list of these stored procedures using sysobjects, but when I try to use a cursor, I can't use a string for

    "grant execute

    on @object_name

    to account"

    I must specify the object without quotes. I cannot use

    "grant execute

    to account"

    either to give execute access to all stored procedures in the particular database. Does anyone have ideas for an easy and/or scriptable way to grant such permissions.



  • Well, I figured it out, so I'll post the solution here if anyone wants to comment on it or use it.

    declare @proc_name varchar(255)

    declare procs cursor for

    select name from sysobjects where xtype = 'P'

    open procs

    fetch next from procs into @proc_name

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    execute('grant exec on ' + @proc_name + ' to security_account')

    fetch next from procs into @proc_name


    close procs

    deallocate procs

    This will give execute permissions on any stored procedure in the particular database. You may want to filter out any non-user stored procedures in the select statement.


  • That's good enough, if that is what you need. You could use DMO also. There is no mechanism for granting access across databases other than explicitly doing so as you are here.


  • Andy is correct.

    Personally, I add all security mods to the create/alter scripts.

    Steve Jones

  • I use this one:

    select 'grant exec on [' + name + '] to UserName' from sysobjects where xtype = 'P' and status > 0 order by name

    This generate a list of grant exec on ...

    for all stored procedures in a database.

    You just have to rename UserName to the right userId.

  • Right now I'm trying to implement a security policy on a system that was designed without one, which is the reason I need such a script. At any rate, thanks for the suggestions. If anything else, I can stand to learn something new from these posts.



  • One thing: Use roles!!!!!

    Steve Jones

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