Grant Bulk Insert Restrictions

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to restrict Bulk Insert permissions?  Let's say you want to grant BULK INSERT for Temporary tables only.  Can this be done?






    would work wouldnt it? .. granted I don't know enough about tempdb to know how destructive something like this could be 😉

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by  oogibah.
  • You can't grant the bulk operations on a particular database.

    For bulk insert, the server level permissions of Administer bulk operations needs to be granted to the login or add the login to bulkadmin server role. And then insert permissions. If there are constraints or they need to fire triggers, they need alter table permissions. But if they don't have insert permissions, they can't bulk insert into that table. So not granting insert on the other tables or not having access to a database would prohibit bulk operations against those tables.



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