Getting the most recent row for a group of products

  • Hi all,

    Been trying to improve a query and I cant seem to get it done without using a derived or temp table or a view. Trying to decrease the queries overhead as it is run EVERY time the intranet order basket is viewed;


    Grab the most recent selling price for every item in the current new order basket for the account currently being viewed.

    Two with order details (Account holder etc) and the order transaction tables with the selling prices.

    Currently I am grabbing every transaction for each product in the basket. If the item is a popular one the current account may have purchased it many hundreds of times previously. The returned recordset is thus very much larger than it needs to be and I have to move through it programmatically (it is ordered by order date) and as soon as I get a match to the current basket item grb the selling price then move back to the first recordset and move through it again for the next item in the basket....not very efficient or elegant at all.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. If more info is needed on table design etc leave a message.

    Thanks again


  • PS this is the current query which returns the correct rows but is way too slow...takes almost 12 seconds to execute.



                          SOR_HISTORY_TRANS Trans1 ON Ord1.THIS_RECORD = Trans1.PARENT_RECORD

    WHERE     (Trans1.PARENT_RECORD =

                              (SELECT     TOP 1 Trans2.Parent_Record

                                FROM          Sor_Order_History Ord2 INNER JOIN

                                                       Sor_History_Trans Trans2 ON Ord2.This_record = Trans2.Parent_Record

                                WHERE      Trans2.Item_number = Trans1.Item_number AND Ord2.Account_Number = 'Rolf'

                                ORDER BY Ord2.Order_date DESC)) AND (Ord1.ACCOUNT_NUMBER = 'rolf') AND (NOT (Ord1.THEIR_REFERENCE = 'cancelled order'))


  • It will help me (and I believe others) to see the table structure, sample data for both tables, and the query used.  Without seeing the query I might suggest things you are already doing.

    Robert W. Marda
    Billing and OSS Specialist - SQL Programmer
    MCL Systems

  • OK have pasted the current query above (urgh nasty looking thing) here is some more table info;

    Order transactions;

    Item_Number, Selling_Unit_Price, Parent_record (order number), This_Record (unique reference KEY), Quantity, Quantity_On_Order

    Order Table;

    Account_Number, Order_Total, Vat_Total, Dispatch, This_Record (Unique reference ORDER NUMBER KEY), Order_Date

    There are a few other columns that are not relevent here.

    Thanks for the help.


  • It seems to me that the first part of the where clause is only meant to get one row.  This modification might work:

    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT Trans2.Parent_Record

           FROM Sor_Order_History Ord2

           INNER JOIN Sor_History_Trans Trans2 ON Ord2.This_record = Trans2.Parent_Record

           WHERE Trans2.Item_number = Trans1.Item_number AND Ord2.Account_Number = 'Rolf'

           AND Trans2.Parent_Record = Trans1.PARENT_RECORD)

    If not then someone else better have a go at this query, becuase it is late for me and I'll be logging off soon.

    Robert W. Marda
    Billing and OSS Specialist - SQL Programmer
    MCL Systems

  • I would normally be using a dynamically created list of itme numbers in an IN clause to grab all the items that are currently in the basket.

    So there would be a further clause in the where statement as so;

    AND ITEM_NUMBER IN (x, x1, x2, ..n)


  • USE Northwind


    CREATE TABLE #Basket(

    CustomerID nchar(5),

    ProductID int,

    Qty smallint)

    INSERT #Basket

    SELECT 'SAVEA',1,4



    SELECT ProductId,

    (SELECT TOP 1 UnitPrice

     FROM [Order Details] d JOIN Orders o ON d.OrderID = o.OrderID

     WHERE o.CustomerID = b.CustomerId AND d.ProductID = b.ProductID

     ORDER BY o.OrderDate DESC) Price

    FROM #Basket b

    Not sure what logic you use if the customer hasn't ordered that product before; perhaps something like this:


    (SELECT TOP 1 UnitPrice

     FROM [Order Details] d JOIN Orders o ON d.OrderID = o.OrderID

     WHERE o.CustomerID = b.CustomerId AND d.ProductID = b.ProductID

     ORDER BY o.OrderDate DESC),

    (SELECT UnitPrice

     FROM Products

     WHERE ProductID = b.ProductID)) Price

    FROM #Basket b

    If queries like these are slow, you probably haven't got the indexes right.


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