Getting Selected Columsn data from stored procedure executed(having parametres) for adhoc reporting

  • Hi Everybody,

    I am working on Adhoc Reporting where i want the users to select the columsn which they need for a report and generate the rdl based on those columns and then create rdl, datasource and publish it onto report server. So I am able to get the column names which the stored procedure is having but i want to filter the data based on the columns selected by him and get only those columns data from the result set. So please suggest me how can i proceed. And that stored procedure has some input parametres even. So i need to get the data for only given columns out of all the columns. Is there any way we can accomplish this.

    And what is the best way of generating rdl using the query or command text which gives the above data source. If possible give me source code for generating an RDL dynmically with page header and body with a table.

    Page header should have a image, and few text boxes taking the input values(report parametres). Is that possible in adhoc reporting i.e., generating rdl and publishing it to report server and then retrieving the same report and showing that back on the report viewer.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks In Advance


  • As for passing the column names and retriving data accordingly, you can use the dynamic SQL.

    Alternavively, design reports with all columns and toggle their visibility according to the parameter values.

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