getting filename via filesystemobject

  • Hi! I'm trying to get the filenames in a folder as follows:

    Declare @fso int, @fld int, @filename varchar(50), @rtn int, @filecount int

    Exec @rtn = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @fso OUT

    Exec @rtn = sp_OAMethod @fso, 'GetFolder', @fld OUT, 'c:\'

    Exec @rtn = sp_OAGetProperty @fld, 'Files.Count', @filecount OUT

    Exec @rtn = sp_OAGetProperty @fld,'Files(1).Name',@filename OUT

    If @rtn <> 0 Begin Exec sp_displayoaerrorinfo @fld, @rtn End

    Exec @rtn = sp_OADestroy @fso

    Exec @rtn = sp_OADestroy @fld

    select @filecount, @filename,@fld

    I get the File Count, but can't seem to get the name. The error message doesn't specify the problem. Can you help find where I went wrong?

    Thanks for any help! L.

  • A rather more simple way to do it (if you have rights to do so) is to use xp_cmdshell in the following manner.



    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'dir /b'


    That will execute the DIR command and return the list of files. You can fully qualify the path.

  • Thanks for the response!

    I tried that way first, but the directory I need to look at doesn't reside on the server where the code will run. I couldn't figure out how to make it see the remote directory without mapping a drive, which is something I avoid.

    (that will be my 'Plan B')

  • Well, aside from that I can't help. Due to security I can't execute those SP's.

    Edited by - jamestow on 03/21/2002 3:53:17 PM

  • Can you use a UNC path? I read the directory from a remote server with the following code:

    create table #temp (filenam varchar(30))

    insert into #temp

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dir /b \\SERVERNAME\SHARENAME\*.*'

    select * from #temp

    drop table #temp

    Using a server named TEST and a share of the C drive (named C$), the \\SERVERNAME\SHARENAME combination becomes \\TEST\C$. The entire line of code becomes exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dir /b \\TEST\C$\*.*'

    You don't need to map a drive in this case. I am not sure if this solves your problem, but, I hope this is of some help. Best of Luck to you.

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