Get the multiple rows data into single row.

  • Hi Team,


    Please help me to get the expected data for the below details.

    My present data looks like below.

    create table #test


    keyinstn INT,

    Abbreviation varchar(100),

    RatingSymbol varchar(100),

    CreditWatchOutlook varchar(100),

    RatingDebtTypeDescription varchar(100),

    ratingtypedesc varchar(100),

    RatingSymbol_LC varchar(100),

    CreditWatchOutlook_LC varchar(100),

    RatingDebtTypeDescription_LC varchar(100),

    ratingtypedesc_LC varchar(100)


    insert into #test(keyinstn,Abbreviation,RatingSymbol,CreditWatchOutlook,RatingDebtTypeDescription,ratingtypedesc)

    select 4000193,'International Business Machines Corporation','BBB','Stable','Issuer Credit Rating','Foreign Currency LT'

    union all

    select 4000193,'International Business Machines Corporation','AA','Stable','Issuer Credit Rating','Local Currency LT'

    --Existing Data

    select * from #test

    4000193International Business Machines CorporationBBBStableIssuer Credit RatingForeign Currency LTNULLNULLNULLNULL
    4000193International Business Machines CorporationAAStableIssuer Credit RatingLocal Currency LTNULLNULLNULLNULL


    ---Expected Data:

    4000193International Business Machines CorporationBBBStableIssuer Credit RatingForeign Currency LTAAStableIssuer Credit RatingLocal Currency LT

    Advance thanks for your help.




  • Unfortunately SSC, and the use of tabs, has made your expected results an unreable mess. Guessing you need a conditional aggregation?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Assuming that division is on Foreign vs. Local currency, something like this:


    RatingSymbol = MAX(CASE WHEN ratingtypedesc LIKE 'Foreign%'
    THEN RatingSymbol END),
    CreditWatchOutlook = MAX(CASE WHEN ratingtypedesc LIKE 'Foreign%'
    THEN CreditWatchOutlook END),
    RatingDebtTypeDescription = MAX(CASE WHEN ratingtypedesc LIKE 'Foreign%'
    THEN RatingDebtTypeDescription END),
    ratingtypedesc = MAX(CASE WHEN ratingtypedesc LIKE 'Foreign%'
    THEN ratingtypedesc END),
    RatingSymbol_LC = MAX(CASE WHEN ratingtypedesc LIKE 'Local%'
    THEN RatingSymbol END),
    CreditWatchOutlook_LC = MAX(CASE WHEN ratingtypedesc LIKE 'Local%'
    THEN CreditWatchOutlook END),
    RatingDebtTypeDescription_LC = MAX(CASE WHEN ratingtypedesc LIKE 'Local%'
    THEN RatingDebtTypeDescription END),
    ratingtypedesc_LC = MAX(CASE WHEN ratingtypedesc LIKE 'Local%'
    THEN ratingtypedesc END)
    FROM #test
    GROUP BY keyinstn, Abbreviation

    --Vadim R.

  • Is the field keyinstn really the same value for both rows? I wasn't sure if that was actually intended to be a primary key (at least in concept), which would mean in the real dataset the numbers would need to be unique.

  • UPDATE: Just saw rVadim's reply. That solution has a better execution plan from my tests.

    It that field does actually contain the same value, here is another idea:

    with cte as (
    select *
    from #test
    where ratingtypedesc = 'Foreign Currency LT'

    select cte.keyinstn, cte.Abbreviation, cte.RatingSymbol, cte.CreditWatchOutlook, cte.RatingDebtTypeDescription, cte.ratingtypedesc, t.RatingSymbol as RatingSymbol_LC, t.CreditWatchOutlook as CreditWatchOutlook_LC, t.RatingDebtTypeDescription as RatingDebtTypeDescription, t.ratingtypedesc as ratingtypedesc_LC
    from cte
    join #test t on cte.keyinstn = t.keyinstn
    where 1=1
    and t.ratingtypedesc = 'Local Currency LT'
  • Thank you so much. It is working fine.

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