Get list Stored procedure dependency on legacy database without FK

  • Good Day,

    I need advice and solution how to get Get list Stored procedure dependency from root stored procedure

    because this is legacy database without FK so i can not identify relation for each table without FK.

    any advice or solution are welcome.

    thanks for advance.


  • you can use the following:

    • sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities
    • sys.sql_expression_dependencies
    • sp_depends

    But take into account that there's a deferred name resolution and the objects referenced within a stored procedure do not have to exist at the time the procedure is created.

    SQL Server creates the stored procedure and the references to missing objects are validated when the stored procedure is executed.

    No error or warning message is issued about the missing objects when the stored procedure is created.

    The only exception is when a stored procedure references another stored procedure that doesn’t exist.

    In that case, a warning message is issued, but the stored procedure is still created.


  • You can try something dumb like I did, old views and all, like this:

    DECLARE @schema varchar(150),@procedure varchar(150),@innerSchema varchar(150), @innerProc varchar(150),@counter int,@maxRows int
    SET @schema = 'MMC\something'
    SET @procedure = 'SP_name'
    SET @innerSchema = @schema
    SET @innerProc = 'SP_otherName'

    IF object_id('tempdb..#SP_FindDependency') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #SP_FindDependency END
    IF object_id('tempdb..#SP_FindDependency_Results') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #SP_FindDependency_Results END

    CREATE TABLE #SP_FindDependency (
    iRow int identity(1,1),
    [childSchemaID] int,
    [childSchema] varchar(150),
    [childNameID] int,
    [childName] varchar(150)
    CREATE TABLE #SP_FindDependency_Results (
    iRow int identity(1,1),
    [childSchemaID] int,
    [childSchema] varchar(150),
    [childNameID] int,
    [childName] varchar(150),
    --[childText] varchar(max),
    [parentSchemaID] int,
    [parentSchema] varchar(150),
    [parentNameID] int,
    [parentName] varchar(150)

    INSERT INTO #SP_FindDependency ([childSchemaID],[childSchema],[childNameID],[childName])
    SELECT DISTINCT ss.schema_id,,
    sys.syscomments sc--TODO: if I comment this part out to get the tables (non function/proc/views) I get zilch in the second table, why?
    sys.all_objects sao
    JOIN sys.schemas ss ON sao.schema_id = ss.schema_id
    sao.is_ms_shipped <> 1
    AND IN (--production schemas only

    SELECT * FROM #SP_FindDependency
    --where childName = 'serverreference'
    --ORDER BY iRow;

    SELECT @maxRows = max(iRow) FROM #SP_FindDependency;
    SET @counter = 1;
    WHILE @counter <= @maxRows
    --SELECT *
    ----@innerSchema = [childSchema],
    ----@innerProc = [childName]
    --FROM #SP_FindDependency
    --WHERE --childName = 'serverreference'
    --iRow = @counter;

    INSERT INTO #SP_FindDependency_Results ([childSchemaID],[childSchema],[childNameID],[childName],[parentSchemaID],[parentSchema],[parentNameID],[parentName])
    --@innerSchema, @innerProc
    FROM #SP_FindDependency childTable
    JOIN sys.syscomments sc ON sc.ID=childTable.childNameID --get the code
    CROSS JOIN #SP_FindDependency parentTable
    --LEFT JOIN sys.all_objects sao on sourceTable.=sao.object_id
    --JOIN sys.schemas ss ON sao.schema_id = ss.schema_id
    WHERE childTable.iRow=@counter
    AND parentTable.iRow <> @counter
    --NOT( = @innerschema AND = @innerproc)
    --sao.is_ms_shipped <> 1
    --sc.text LIKE '%' + parentTable.[childName] + '%'--@innerProc + '%';
    (--have to use the escape character to make it recognize [ and ] as valid
    sc.text LIKE '%' + parentTable.[childSchema] + '.' + parentTable.[childName] + '%'
    sc.text LIKE '%\[' + parentTable.[childSchema] + '\].' + parentTable.[childName] + '%' ESCAPE '\'
    sc.text LIKE '%\[' + parentTable.[childSchema] + '\].\[' + parentTable.[childName] + '\]%' ESCAPE '\'

    SET @counter = @counter + 1;

    INSERT INTO unittest.all_mhi_dependency ([schema_id],[object_id],[parent_schema_id],[parent_object_id])
    SELECT childSchemaID,childNameID,parentSchemaID,parentNameID
    FROM #SP_FindDependency_Results

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