Generate separate Report for Each parameter value.

  • HI,

    I've created a report hosted on SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2. I have one parameter which has 2 values(' BSC','DSC','ESC') one of the report. I need to generate 3 separate reports by passing the thous 3 parameter values separately.

    Could you please let me know the workaround to this.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Though I could not make much out of your description of the problem, but I think do either of the two methods:

    1. Make subreports and use expressions to make the visible property to true/false based on the parameter value.

    2. Use the Action property of any of your controls. use expressions in your Action value that can change based on the parameter value.

  • I think you could probably use one report. Add a group by your parameter and then put a page break between the groups. The page break should simulate 3 separate reports in your case.

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