Functions and Tables

  • Hi,

    I'm using the SQL Server 200 and I have a little problem, I need to

    create some procedure for get the information of distincts tables, i need

    to save this information in a TABLE variable for its processing. For

    this purpose, I'm using User-defined Functions, but i can't to use Inline

    table-valued functions because i can't to add logical to this function

    type, and I can't Multi-statement table-valued functions because i

    don't know what is the result table structure. I don't like to use

    temporally tables.

    Thanks for yours comments.

    Deusdit Correa Cornejo


    Br. Computer Science

    Microsoft Certified Database Administrator

    Analyst Programmer


    Deusdit Correa Cornejo
    Br. Computer Science
    Microsoft Certified Database Administrator
    Analyst Programmer

  • Not sure what you mean. Can you post an example?

    Steve Jones

  • Well, i want to use metadata about some tables, so i need a procedure for construct the table from the metadata.

    For example, i have the table name and column name in a table, i need construct a SELECT for this table, but i need save the SELECT results in a TABLE variable for to use like a normal table.

    Deusdit Correa Cornejo


    Br. Computer Science

    Microsoft Certified Database Administrator

    Analyst Programmer


    Deusdit Correa Cornejo
    Br. Computer Science
    Microsoft Certified Database Administrator
    Analyst Programmer

  • A example, I have the follow Metadata table:

    MetadataKey, TableName, ColumnName




    The table organization exists in my database.

    I need create a query for this table from the Metadata table, for example



    Well, i need save the result in a TABLE variable for process in other task (for example in join tables).

    So, i can change the query by insert or delete records in Metadata table. This is the reason for that i don't know what is the final structure of query and its results.

    Deusdit Correa Cornejo


    Br. Computer Science

    Microsoft Certified Database Administrator

    Analyst Programmer


    Deusdit Correa Cornejo
    Br. Computer Science
    Microsoft Certified Database Administrator
    Analyst Programmer

  • I hope to explain my problem.

    Thanks for your comments.

    Deusdit Correa Cornejo


    Br. Computer Science

    Microsoft Certified Database Administrator

    Analyst Programmer


    Deusdit Correa Cornejo
    Br. Computer Science
    Microsoft Certified Database Administrator
    Analyst Programmer

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