Function taking long time to execute

  • Hi i have the function which is when executed take for ever to execute.I did some debugging and find out thie is part of the sql is taking for ever.


    INSERT #DuplicateListings



     FROM dbo.rap_fn_GetDuplicateListings(42206)

     DECLARE @Metalisting_Start_Date DATETIME,@Listing_RID int

            set @Listing_RID=42206


      @Metalisting_Start_Date = MAX(Start_Date)



       FROM View_Property_Listing_Ranges D1

       WHERE Start_Date >= coalesce((


         MAX(dateadd(dd, M.CDOM_Days + 1, End_Date))

        FROM dbo.View_Property_Listing_Ranges D2

         INNER JOIN dbo.MLS_Master_2 M ON

          D2.MLS = M.MLS

        WHERE D2.Listing_RID IN (SELECT Listing_RID FROM #DuplicateListings) AND

         D2.Status IN ('I','E') AND

         D2.End_Date <= D1.Start_Date AND

         D2.Listing_RID <> D1.Listing_RID), '1800-01-01') AND

       Listing_RID IN (SELECT Listing_RID FROM #DuplicateListings)) AS SD

     WHERE Start_Date <= (SELECT Start_Date FROM dbo.View_Property_Listing_Ranges WHERE Listing_RID = @Listing_RID.

    any suggestions how to rewrote the above query.

    Thanks in advance.


    Hammad khan

  • Hammad,

    You should look at the data model, the query plan and the indexes and data distribution, and dbo.rap_fn_GetDuplicateListings. Just like this, this is a difficult problem for us to understand.


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