function aggregation, concatenating field values

  • suppose i have a table like so



    id (int autoincrement)

    names (varchar 50)

    groupname (varchar 50)


    id names groupname

    == ===== =========

    1 name1 group1

    2 name2 group2

    3 name3 group1

    and i wanted to return all names on the same group as a single string like so

    result (names, group name):



    in mysql/postgres theres this aggregation function named GROUP_CONCAT which does the trick, is there an existing function that does the same?

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  • No built in function but you can create your own.

    But I'd have to say if your table has repeating group names then your table design has alot to be desired.


    create table table1([id] int identity,

    names varchar (50),

    groupname varchar (50))

    insert into table1(Names, GroupName)

    select 'name1', 'group1'union

    select 'name2', 'group2'union

    select 'name3', 'group1'

    create function concatname(@GroupName varchar(50))

    Returns varchar(250)



    Declare @String varchar(250)

    Select @String = Coalesce(@String,'') + Names + ','

    from table1

    where groupName = @GroupName

    set @String = left(@String, len(@String) -1)

    Return @String




    select GroupName, dbo.concatname(GroupName)

    from Table1

    Group by GroupName


  • tnx Ray_M, ill try that out

    slow down when you need to hurry, stop when you need to move on,
    look back when you need to forget, or you might slip and leave sanity

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