Full Text Search on a Varbinary Column Not Returning Rows

  • Hello all:

    I have a table created to store word documents, where one of the fields is a Varbinary(Max) in which I am storing the actual word document. I am able to insert the document fine.

    However, when I try to search within this field using CONTAINS for a word that I know is in it, it returns no results.

    (I did setup the full text catalog, performed a full population on the table too)

    Any thoughts where I am missing it?

    Thank you

  • It is SQL 2008

    and this is what I can find from the logs:

    No appropriate filter was found during full-text index population for table or indexed view '...'(table or indexed view ID '2137058649', database ID '8'), full-text key value '1'. Some columns of the row were not indexed.

  • You need a separate 'type' column to tell FTS what sort of document is in the binary data. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms142499.aspx and the TYPE COLUMN clause of the CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX statement (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187317.aspx)

  • ok, thanks. ( I already have it )

    I found my problem, I needed to search the complete word to get the result.

    Here's what I mean:

    SELECT *

    FROM SermonList

    WHERE CONTAINS(DocumentContent, ' "hebrews" ');

    I get a result.

    But for below, I DO NOT get any result back

    SELECT *

    FROM SermonList

    WHERE CONTAINS(DocumentContent, ' "hebrew" ');

    Why is it so (I must be missing something)

  • mymail.default (1/23/2012)

    But for below, I DO NOT get any result back

    SELECT *

    FROM SermonList

    WHERE CONTAINS(DocumentContent, ' "hebrew" ');

    Why is it so (I must be missing something)

    See CONTAINS (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187787.aspx) in Books Online...this should work:

    SELECT *

    FROM SermonList

    WHERE CONTAINS(DocumentContent, ' "hebrew*" ');

  • Ok, thanks, Paul

  • Hello again,

    Little twist here:

    I removed all the entries in the table, and re-inserted the same document, and re-populated the indexes.

    But, the search now does not yield results!

    Anything I am missing?

    Thanks again.

  • Note:

    I added another document with a .doc extension, and I was able to see the search results.

    So, the problem is when I add the document as .docx, the search does not yield results.

    Do I need a separate filter for .docx documents other than .doc?



  • mymail.default (1/24/2012)


    I added another document with a .doc extension, and I was able to see the search results.

    So, the problem is when I add the document as .docx, the search does not yield results.

    Do I need a separate filter for .docx documents other than .doc?



    It would appear you'll need a separate column, it doesn't appear that you can apply multiple types to the same Full Text Index. .docx is definately different than .doc for formatting information.

    - Craig Farrell

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  • Thanks for your input.

    But, I am able to search fine on my local machine (with SQL 2008 32bit), not so on the server (64bit).

    I did install the filters too!

  • mymail.default (1/24/2012)

    Thanks for your input.

    But, I am able to search fine on my local machine (with SQL 2008 32bit), not so on the server (64bit).

    I did install the filters too!

    Hm, I must have misread something in the articles surrounding this. I'll go re-read them a few times and see what I can test out. Sorry about that.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

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  • mymail.default (1/24/2012)

    Thanks for your input.

    But, I am able to search fine on my local machine (with SQL 2008 32bit), not so on the server (64bit).

    I did install the filters too!

    Check sys.fulltext_document_types and:



    @component_type = N'filter';

    You may need to load the .docx filter from the 2007 Office System Converter: Microsoft Filter Pack.

    Otherwise, this is something that is going to be a lot easier for you to debug for yourself using the documentation and comparison with the 2008 instance you have working.

  • Thanks for your input, Paul.

    Still scratching on this one.

    I did install/load the right filters, however it(.docX) is not showing up in the list when I ran: SELECT * FROM sys.fulltext_document_types

    The weird thing, though, is I have the same filter loaded on my local workstation, and it does not show up in the listing either, BUT, I am able to get results fine when I search in .docx documents.

  • I would pay particular attention to whether the filter is 64-bit or 32-bit.

  • Thanks,

    Yes, it is a 64-bit that I installed (for a 64-bit SQL).

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