Full text catalog not populating.. no errors tho...

  • I have created a full text catalog.. with index on a table.. have run 'start_full' to populate it..and have had no errors at all.. it seems to work fine.. however there is nothing in the catalog? any queries I run on it return 0 rows..

    any ideas why this woudl not be populating??


  • Andrew,

    Can you post the output of "SELECT @@version" or indicate what version of SQL Server you're using? If SQL 2000, then look in the server's Application Event log for "Microsoft Search" source events for FT Population success or failure. IF you're you're using SQL 2005, then lookin in the MSSQL90\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG directory where you have SQL Server 2005 installed for SQLFT*.log files for FT Indexing success or failure info.

    Depending upon the error(s) you are seeing I can help dignose more what the problem is with your FT Indexing.



    SQL Full Text Search Blog


    John T. Kane

  • Any progress here? I'm having the same issues. At one point we had no issues, then it stopped working a couple weeks ago. When I kick off a full population I see these messages in the event log:

    The crawl seed cannot be accessed. Error: 8007007f - The specified procedure could not be found. .

    The crawl for project could not be started, because no crawl seeds could be accessed. Fix the errors and try the crawl again.

    The end of crawl for project has been detected. The Gatherer successfully processed 0 documents totaling 0K. It failed to filter 1 documents. 0 URLs could not be reached or were denied access.

  • Any update on this? I am having the same issue. Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • i'm having the same issue. Anyone know what the resolution is?

  • hi..

    Are you both using SQL 2000 or SQL 2005? Can you provide more details?

    Post the output of "SELECT @@version" or indicate what version of SQL Server you're using? If SQL 2000, then look in the server's Application Event log for "Microsoft Search" source events for FT Population success or failure. IF you're you're using SQL 2005, then lookin in the MSSQL90\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG directory where you have SQL Server 2005 installed for SQLFT*.log files for FT Indexing success or failure info.

    Its been a while since I've dealt with SQL 2000 FTS, but it could be a corrupted index, a mallformed document. Either way, I'd highly recommend upgrading to SQL 2005 or better still SQL 2008.



    John T. Kane

  • Its a great difficulty. I am using SQL Server 2008 and i have created a database in SQL Server 2005. I have added data in SQl server 2005. Now I have taken a backup in SQL Server 2005 and attached it with SQL server 2008 with service pack 1, but now i realise that the Full text catalog population has completely failed. Full text catalaog is not getting automatically bulit. At the beginning it was working fine, but after using the SQL server 2008 for 2 or 3 months, this problem has started. I have a data of some 20 tables and each table having atleast 20k + rows. Please help or let me know the solultion for this problem in SQL server @008 Service pack 1, Full text catalog not getting populated even after rebuilding it.


    Arnab Kumar Nath

  • Please start a new question on a new post. This thread has ended last year March, 2009

  • This worked for me, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/317746

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