Friday the 13th

  • Last week we had a Friday the 13th, traditionally a day of bad luck, at least in the US. I'm happy to say that things went smoothly here out in Denver, despite quite a few events that we had planned.

    My daughter turned 4 on Sunday, but we'd decided to do her school party on Friday, with cake for the kids in her class. Since she's 4 and had a party at school, naturally she wanted presents that day, so we decided to take her out to dinner that night and give her presents afterwards. I hadn't realized it was Friday the 13th when I set this up, so a few days before I was feeling nervous, sure that something at work would come up, the restaurant would be packed, or some other event would occur.

    Thankfully nothing did and she had a great time.

    I think back about this last year and she's really grown up quite a bit, starting to really learn things in school and becoming a little person. It's exciting and enjoyable to have her become more communicative and knowledgeable about the world.

    And more reasonable.

    Steve Jones

  • Hey Steve!
    Kids are great aren't they.  I have to forewarn you though,
    "And more reasonable."
    probably won't last forever.  Just like most things in this wonderful world, I have found my children's reasonability is cyclical.  When very young, you certainly can not reason with them, but they slowly rise on the curve of reasonability.  It has been my experience that it peaks around the age of 9 or 10 and starts to slide down.  At around 15 or so it hits bottom, and slowly begins to rise back up.  I have yet to see beyond this age in my children, but I am certainly hoping that it finds a nice peak and sustains itself there as they become adults (I think mine did, though some may disagree).
    So, enjoy you daughter's rising reasonability while you can!
  • Tend to agree with that. My 13 yr old is on the way down

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