Formatting Date in Microsoft Report Builder (NewBee)

  • Hello,

    A newbee question. I am attempting to group sales report by day, but the date format of data is date and time. This results in each invoice being listed as they have different date+time. I want a summary of all invoices by a day eg 1st if October, then 2nd of October. How do I format the date field so report builder only recognises the date portion and not the time portion so it will group all invoices of a date.

    Kind Regards



  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Use CONVERT() to remove the time part...

    DECLARE @MyTimeStamp DATETIME = GETDATE();  -- date and time "now"
    PRINT @MyTimeStamp;  -- prints the date and time
    PRINT CONVERT(date,@MyTimeStamp); -- prints just the date... the time gets removed.
  • Thank you, I've worked through how to use CONVERT and I got it working.

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