First Impressions: SQL Server 2005

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  • Good intro. article Brian, I look forward to the other 12

    For anyone who's interested, the main page for SQL Server 2005 is at :

    A download for the MSDE 2000 replacement db engine, which does not require the MS Passport is also available at :


    Documentation for SQL Server 2005 is at :


  • Nice intro article on 2005. However, Brian, I do advise that before going to a GA version of your article that you have an editor check out your grammar and spelling ... 

  • Darn notepad! Yes, you caught me rushing to go to bed after a long day

  • What a boring article, has no useful content, except to say you successfully installed the beta2.

  • Brian,

    I don't really agree with the following comment:

    "Business Intelligence tasks like DTS, Reporting Services and Analysis Services can be managed through the BI Workbench"

    That is at best ambiguous and at worst, wrong (IMHO)!

    DTS/Reporting Services/Analysis Services are managed/controlled/administered/etc... through SQL Server Management Studio (as are SQL Server and SQL Mobile). The BI Workbench (or to give it its proper name Business Intelligence Development Studio) is used to build DTS/Reporting Services/Analysis Services objects and deploy them to the relevant servers.

    Other than these comments, thats a good intro article. This is mere constructive criticism.




  • Good introduction for me about SQL Server.  The article gives me a footstep for me to SQL Server 2005.  SHORT and SWEET.

  • I have also found the speed to be a bit disappointing.  I've not spent any time in the relational side as yet, only the BI tools (AS, DTS, RS and NS).  Have you looked at these yet, and do they run sluggishly for you also?



  • I started to work with those last week in depth and they too seem sluggish on the same server (dual proc). I'm reminded though by MS that most perf fixes are in B3 and they shoot for only functionality in this release.

    What do you think of DTS so far? The learning curve in the new DTS is pretty steep...especially if you're fairly good in SQL Server 2000 DTS.

  • Well, you were there in Feb'03 when they said 'what new?  Its easier to ask whats not new...' 

    I quite like the new DTS, I just want to get to a point where we can test this in our production environment to see if it really does perform better and makes it easier to solve the old dts problems (looping, packages dying with no cause of death, Slowly changing dims).

    I agree that the learning curve will be large, but I am confident that the next BKnight 'Professional 2005 DTS' will set me straight


  • I agree, it seems that the added DTS functionality far by makes up for the shortcomings in the performance in this early beta. Even though the design environment seems a bit sluggish, the DTS engine itself seems to be flying in data movement and decisioning. Movement of millions of records seems to be only limitted by my network bandwidth but overall is copying several fold faster than the last as I add complex logic in.

    PS: Thanks for the book plug . I'll mail you the check after I finish this.

  • DTS2005 is a huge step in the right direction but its still missing some key functionality, functionality that you will find in products like Informatica.


    Why can't you set breakpoints in a data flow?

    Monitoring package execution (this exists but its not very good).

    Better and more logging (e.g. I want to know how many rows a component outputted - free form text in sysdtslog90.message is not sufficient).

    Why can't I see the query that I am executing against an OLE DB data source?


    If they're going after the Informatica's/Ab Initio's of this world then they've still got some improvements to make.



  • I have used all the tools in SQL server 2005 beta2 and no its not sluggish when you understand the processes that are going on.

    Its about the same speed as Visual Studio 2003.

    You are right, with Microsoft it is in the programmers contracts that secure tested functionality comes first and optimisations 2nd.

  • I am just getting a chance to take a look and have to say it is a bit kludgy feeling IMHO. I of course am currently doing a dry run of it without reading any documentation to see how long it takes me to find things. Hope I can easily find things I am looking for but it seems to be think in the seat a bit. Haven't got around myself yet playing with DTS or comparing query performance. So I guess I can say. It's OK.

  • Nice article! Thanks! I am iching for your next articles, especially on the replication services. Would you mind shed some light early?


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