Finding sets of records

  • tacy.highland (12/29/2009)

    See, the thing is, I'm writing the query in SQL2008 Management Studio, but I'm running it against a SQL2000 db. (perhaps this post shouldn't be in the SS2K8 section?). So the Except option won't work for me. At any rate, any other suggestions? I'm running out of ideas.

    All I want is to get a list of the cases that have all of their caselogs closed. (all I want... Sounds so simple. ha.)


    Tacy, I think sturner's solution should have worked for you. One thing I am seeing is that you are using empty strings in your where clauses looking for dates...


    FROM dbo.tblCase A

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblCaseLog D

    ON A.CaseID = D.CaseID

    WHERE A.CloseDate = ' ' --<<< Like here

    AND A.CaseTypeID in(100, 101, 102, 131)

    GROUP BY D.CaseID,D.ReportDate,A.CasePriorityID

    HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN D.CloseDate = ' ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0 --<<< And here

    Does your front end send empty strings of one character legnth for this field? If so, then you may not have an issue. However, if the field is really NULL, then it will never evaluate to anything, in which case you would need to change this...

    WHERE A.CloseDate = ' '

    to this...

    WHERE A.CloseDate IS NULL

    And so forth for the rest of your code. Also, the create table code and sample data you posted don't match. And, is there a reason why you are doing this in your sample data...?

    SELECT '138196','57571',' ' UNION ALL

    You are inserting string of 10 or so spaces, and I am wondering if this is something your app does, or if you meant for them to be NULL. Take a look at this, and I made some assumptions which are: 1) made the table columns match what is in your insert statements 2) put the identity property on CaseLogID since there are duplicates in the CaseID column, so it can not be the primary key, and 3) changed the empty strings on the inserts to NULL.

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #mytable

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #mytable


    CaseID INT, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

    CaseLogID INT IDENTITY(1,1),--<<<Should this be the IDENTITY column?



    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table



    SELECT '137903','57150',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '137957','57231',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '137969','57249','12/10/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '137986','57269',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '137986','57271','11/27/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138002','57291',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138002','57293','11/25/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138004','57296',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138004','57297','11/27/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138030','57327','12/01/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138030','57328','12/11/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138032','57336',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138037','57354','12/09/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138037','57355',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138037','57356','12/08/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138047','57374',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138050','57380','12/10/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138051','57382',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138055','57387','12/09/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138068','57403','12/07/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138068','57405','12/10/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138096','57431',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138098','57433','12/10/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138098','57434','12/10/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138102','57438',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138106','57449','12/02/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138106','57450','12/10/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138109','57454','12/10/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138109','57455',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138112','57458',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138128','57460',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138132','57467','12/10/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138132','57468','12/10/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138144','57485',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138160','57509',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138168','57535',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138168','57536',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138196','57571',NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT '138196','57574','12/09/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '138291','57692',NULL

    Now, back to what sturner was showing you, but in two steps. This will show you all the CaseID's that do not have any open line items. You should be able to take the concept and apply it to your own test environment. I'm doing it on SQL 2008, but I am confident it will also work for 2000.




    (--Derived table t1 counts a 1 for every line item with a null

    --CloseDate field. The group by CaseID will aggregate the 1's

    --with the result being that any CaseID with any value greater

    --then 0 will have open cases, and should not be displayed.



    OpenCases = SUM(CASE WHEN CloseDate IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

    FROM #MyTable


    ) t1

    WHERE OpenCases = 0


    I hope this helps simplify things for you.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • Oh man, that's great stuff. Perhaps I got a tad confused before looking at it from a different perspective. Basically eliminating the open complaints in order to find the ones I wanted. (gotta train the brain to look at it from different angles)

    I modified the query to suit my needs and pull from the necessary tables and it works beautifully.

    Thank you Greg, and everyone else who jumped in, for the time and effort expended on this. It is very much appreciated!

  • this should work as well and would allow you to bring back other fields from the tblCase table

    Select A.CaseID

    from dbo.tblCase A

    where A.closedate = ' '

    and A.CaseTypeID = 100

    and(select count(Caseid)

    from dbo.view_CaseLogDetail

    where closedate = ' '

    and CaseID=A.CaseID) =0

  • Excellent! Thank you for that variation!

    This one works even better for me since I do need to pull other columns.

    This is so great. Thank you again!

  • Oman. Ok, I sound like a broken record here, but my initial validation process didn't identify a hidden issue...

    I just noticed that the last query is including cases that don't have ANY record in the caselog table, which isn't going to work. Arrggggg. What did I miss here?

  • I was wondering how long it would take you to realize you still had issues. You indicated you liked the last solution better because you could pull in extra columns. My previous solution was simply to show you how to isolate your desired cases, and it can be used against other views or tables, like so, where I am simply incorporating my last post into another query...



    FROM view_CaseLogDetail cld INNER JOIN

    (--Yet another derived table, and could be eliminated with CTE's

    --if you were not using 2000







    OpenCases = SUM(CASE WHEN CloseDate IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

    FROM #MyTable


    ) t1

    WHERE OpenCases = 0

    --ORDER BY CaseID

    ) t2

    ON cld.CaseID = t2.CaseID

    And I don't have the details of viewCaseLogDetail, so I can't test it, but you should be able to get the idea. You could also probably incorporate the two derived tables into one, but I like to keep tasks separate so it is easier for me to trouble shoot.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • You might find this one easier to look at.



    FROM viewCaseLogDetail cld INNER JOIN




    FROM #MyTable



    ) t1

    ON cld.CaseID = t1.CaseID

    Let us know if this helps you.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • I'm so sorry, but I'm just not getting it. (due to my limited SQL knowledge entirely) Your queries left me banging my head against a wall trying to understand what they're doing so I went back to basics and wrote out what exactly I needed, and ended up with a couple of temp tables, like so:

    select caseid

    into #temp

    from tblcase

    where closedate = ''

    and casetypeid in(100, 101, 102, 131)


    into #temp2

    FROM tblCaseLog CL

    WHERE CL.Caseid not in

    (select caseid

    from tblcaselog

    where closedate = '')




    select distinct caseid

    from #temp2

    drop table #temp, #temp2

    It sure ain't pretty, but it looks like the right results. (famous last words) Now I just need to go back and clean it up and add a few fields from the tblCase table, so that will be the next alteration. At least it appears that this basic code will return the right case numbers, which is a start, right?

    Here's hoping I don't break it!

    ; )

  • This query came back to haunt me. Of course the last variation didn't do exactly what I needed it to so now it's the monkey on my back again...

    I tried the last idea but couldn't get it to work:



    FROM view_CaseLogDetail cld INNER JOIN

    (--Yet another derived table, and could be eliminated with CTE's

    --if you were not using 2000







    OpenCases = SUM(CASE WHEN CloseDate IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

    FROM #MyTable


    ) t1

    WHERE OpenCases = 0

    --ORDER BY CaseID

    ) t2

    ON cld.CaseID = t2.CaseID

    (what/where does #MyTable come from?)

    Anyone else out there have any ideas of how to solve this? To reiterate, I have two tables tblCase and tblCaseLog. I need to find all the CaseIDs in the tblCase table that are not yet closed (closedate = '') AND that have ALL of the CaseLogs (in tblCaseLog) associated with it closed as well. It won't do to have 2 of the 3 logs closed, etc. ALL of the CaseLogs (however many there may be) must be closed before I want to see the actual CaseID. Make sense?

    My brain is mush right about now so I'm calling on you SQL gurus out there for your vast knowledge and clever angles....please help!


  • tacy.highland (2/17/2011)

    (what/where does #MyTable come from?)

    Look back at Greg's post, it's a temp table that's built previous to this process.

    Anyone else out there have any ideas of how to solve this? To reiterate, I have two tables tblCase and tblCaseLog. I need to find all the CaseIDs in the tblCase table that are not yet closed (closedate = '') AND that have ALL of the CaseLogs (in tblCaseLog) associated with it closed as well. It won't do to have 2 of the 3 logs closed, etc. ALL of the CaseLogs (however many there may be) must be closed before I want to see the actual CaseID. Make sense?

    So, you want something like this (still on a SQL 2k engine, I assume)?




    tblCase AS c


    (SELECT DISTINCT caseID FROM tblCaseLog WHERE closedate = '') AS drv

    ONc.caseID = drv.CaseID


    c.Closedate = ''

    AND drv.CaseID IS NULL

    I couldn't find sample DDL and data to test this against in this thread, sorry if I missed it, so I couldn't test it, but I'm pretty sure that gets you where you need to be.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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  • Oh Craig, this is so close. I may not necessarily understand it right off the bat, but it looks so close.

    I had to add two more specifications to narrow the results, but whatever I did didn't quite work right either. I took your query and, just to see all the necessary closedates of the caseIDs and caselogiIDs so I could see if they fit the criteria, here's what i did:

    SELECT c.caseid, c.closedate caseClose, cl.CASELOGID, cl.CLOSEDATE logClose

    FROM tblCase c

    LEFT JOIN tblCaseLog cl on c.CaseID = cl.CaseID

    WHERE c.CaseID IN




    tblCase AS c



    FROM tblCaseLog

    WHERE closedate = '') AS drv

    ON c.caseID = drv.CaseID


    c.Closedate = ''

    AND drv.CaseID IS NULL)

    and c.casetypeid in(100, 102, 131)

    AND cl.ActivateStatus = 1

    Notice the last two lines specifying a casetypeid and activatestatus. I looked through my data and I can find caselogs where the ActivateStatus is = 1, and all of them are closed for a particular CaseID, but that CaseID is still not showing up in my full list of CaseIDs that are ready to close.

    I also did this little variation (commenting the last line above):


    tblCase AS c



    FROM tblCaseLog

    WHERE (closedate = ''

    OR cl.ActivateStatus = 0) ) AS drv

    ON c.caseID = drv.CaseID...

    Which also didn't quite get the right results either.

    Where, oh where did I go wrong?

  • tacy.highland (2/17/2011)

    Oh Craig, this is so close. I may not necessarily understand it right off the bat, but it looks so close.

    Let's fix that before we continue, or the repairs won't make sense either.

    First, look at the drv subquery.

    SELECT DISTINCT caseID FROM tblCaseLog WHERE closedate = ''

    Simple enough, I hope. The Distinct just makes sure I'm only returning a caseID once if it ever has a caseLog with an opened CloseDate.

    Next, our join:




    tblCase AS c


    (SELECT DISTINCT caseID FROM tblCaseLog WHERE closedate = '') AS drv

    ON c.caseID = drv.CaseID


    c.Closedate = ''

    This gives me ALL caseIDs (bear with, the where clause comes into play shortly) that have a blanked closedate, and join in any caseIDs in the drv table that match on caseID.

    Add in the last part of the where clause:

    AND drv.CaseID IS NULL

    This is the part that makes sure that if it has found anything in the subselect, it doesn't get returned.

    Hopefully that helps. Now, to the rest:

    I had to add two more specifications to narrow the results, but whatever I did didn't quite work right either. I took your query and, just to see all the necessary closedates of the caseIDs and caselogiIDs so I could see if they fit the criteria, here's what i did:

    Hmmmm... this will take some further discussion.

    Notice the last two lines specifying a casetypeid and activatestatus. I looked through my data and I can find caselogs where the ActivateStatus is = 1, and all of them are closed for a particular CaseID, but that CaseID is still not showing up in my full list of CaseIDs that are ready to close.

    What you want to do is adjust the subquery here. The subquery is used to show if all caselogs are closed or not for a particular caseid. If anything appears in the subquery, you don't want that caseID returned. In this case, my guess is those caseids with caselogs with ActivateStatus equals 1 also have caselogs that have closedates = ''?

    I'm just not quite sure exactly what you want. Let me state what you've got in SQL here in English:

    You want all caseIDs with a blank closedate and a casetypeId of 100, 102, or 131, that don't have any associated caseLogs that have a closedate of blank, and then you want to see all assocaited caselogs, if any, associated with those caseIDs that have an activatestatus of 1.

    Where in there is the error?

    Also, is it possible for you to provide some DDL and sample data like you'll find in the first link in my signature? This will help us better understand what's happening with your evolving requirements.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • It did take me a minute to get it, with the NULL for drv table, (looking at it the opposite way that i was, why didn't I think of that??) but I did eventually get it. Thank you....

    As for the DDL, I'll put together two tables (I'm afraid the earlier data I posted in this topic was just convoluted and didn't really reflect the actual situation, so that's my bad) and I'll post them in a bit.

    You're close on your explanation, here's the slight modification:

    "You want all caseIDS with a blank closedate and a casetypeid of 100, 102 or 131, that don't have any associated caselogs that have a closedate of blank [or that have an ActivateStatus of 0]"

    Does that clarify things at all?

    Thank you for your help on this.

    I'll post the data shortly....

  • tacy.highland (2/17/2011)

    "You want all caseIDS with a blank closedate and a casetypeid of 100, 102 or 131, that don't have any associated caselogs that have a closedate of blank [or that have an ActivateStatus of 0]"

    Helps a lot, try this:




    tblCase AS c


    (SELECT DISTINCT caseID FROM tblCaseLog WHERE closedate = '' OR ActiveStatus = 0) AS drv

    ON c.caseID = drv.CaseID


    c.Closedate = ''

    AND drv.CaseID IS NULL

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • That doesn't quite work either. I tried that in the earlier post (the "variation"). I've found other Cases which should be included in my resultset but aren't. And the ones which aren't are ones that have that extra case with ActivateStatus of 0 (and those happen to also have a blank closedate). Would that last part, the closedate being blank have anything to do with why they're being excluded? Do we need to add an extra part to the where clause...?

    something like this:


    FROM tblCaseLog

    WHERE closedate = ''

    OR ActivateStatus = 0

    OR (CloseDate = '' and ActivateStatus = 0)) AS drv

    Or am I just way off base?

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