Find number of months in a span where record exists

  • I have a requirement of searching for enrollment spans with our company, where the member is enrolled for 11 out of 12 months. The missing month can be in any position except for December (finding Dec enrollment is easy), and 'enrollment' for that month means that even one day out of the month constitutes enrollment for the full month.

    I have the below functions to help me find whether someone is enrolled for the month, which I have conveniently hacked up and re-written so you can just execute and see pseudo-results. This works great for one member, but scales like cold molasses. Is there another method than the one I'm using, that will allow me to evaluate this type of requirement?

    Here's how I would LIKE to use it to identify the people to who DO NOT meet the requirement (this won't work for you, but so you can get the gist):

    SELECT carriermemid

    FROM #enrollment


    -- active sometime in 2010

    #enrollment.effdate<'1/1/2011' AND #enrollment.termdate>'12/31/2009'

    -- active in Dec 2010

    AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #enrollment AS e2

    WHERE e2.carriermemid=#enrollment.carriermemid

    AND e2.termdate>'11/30/2010'

    AND e2.effdate<'1/1/2011'


    -- less than 11 months of enrollment

    AND dbo.fEnrolledSpan(#enrollment.carriermemid,'1/1/2010','12/31/2010')<11

    Sample data:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#enrollment') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #enrollment END

    CREATE TABLE #enrollment (carriermemid VARCHAR(15),effdate DATETIME,termdate DATETIME,desiredOutcome VARCHAR(25))

    INSERT INTO #enrollment

    SELECT 'mem1','12/1/2009','5/1/2010','fail' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'mem2','1/1/2009','12/31/2078','pass' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'mem3','1/1/2010','11/1/2010','fail' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'mem4','2/1/2010','1/1/2011','pass' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'mem5','3/1/2010','1/1/2011','fail'

    SELECT *

    FROM #enrollment AS e

    --CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fEnrolled](@carriermemid varchar(15),@firstOfMonth DATETIME)






    DECLARE @carriermemid VARCHAR(15),@firstOfMonth DATETIME

    SET @firstOfMonth='12/1/2010'

    SET @carriermemid='mem5'

    --SET @carriermemid='mem2'


    --DECLARE @returnValue int





    SELECT * FROM #enrollment

    WHERE #enrollment.carriermemid=@carriermemid

    --effdate less than or equal to last day of the month, termdate greater than or equal to first of the month

    AND #enrollment.effdate <=DATEADD(d,-1,DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,'1/1/1900',@firstOfMonth)+1,'1/1/1900'))

    AND #enrollment.termdate >=@firstOfMonth


    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END AS enrolledInDecember

    --RETURN @returnValue


    --CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fEnrolledSpan](@carriermemid VARCHAR(15),@startdate DATETIME,@enddate DATETIME)







    --@carriermemid VARCHAR(15),

    @startdate DATETIME,@enddate DATETIME

    --SET @carriermemid='mem1'

    SET @startdate='1/1/2010'

    SET @enddate = '12/31/2010'


    --DECLARE @returnValue INT


    --@returnValue =

    DATEADD(mm,N-1,@startdate) AS monthNum,--used for sample data only

    --SUM( -- normally I would sum the fEnrolled function as I fed in the months, can't SUM() the aggregate here in my sample data



    SELECT * FROM #enrollment

    WHERE #enrollment.carriermemid=@carriermemid

    --effdate less than or equal to last day of the month, termdate greater than or equal to first of the month

    AND #enrollment.effdate <=DATEADD(d,-1,DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,'1/1/1900',DATEADD(mm,N-1,@startdate))+1,'1/1/1900'))

    AND #enrollment.termdate >=DATEADD(mm,N-1,@startdate)


    THEN 1

    ELSE 0



    AS monthsEnrolled

    FROM dbo.Tally AS t

    WHERE t.N<=DATEDIFF(mm,@startdate,@enddate)+1

    --RETURN @returnValue


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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • Are you looking for something like this?






    CASE WHEN effdate<@startdate THEN @startdate ELSE effdate END,

    CASE WHEN termdate<@enddate THEN termdate ELSE @enddate END


    >10 THEN 'pass' ELSE 'fail' END as desiredOutcome

    FROM #enrollment

    As a side note: I decided to use @enddate = '1/1/2011' instead of '12/31/2010' since this makes the query a little easier (I could have added +1 after the DATEDIFF calculation but I usually try to avoid adding such "hardcoded adjustment values" if possible (even though it's not a big deal in this case).

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Dammit! Yes, I think I am, although that's not quite perfect. Here's some better info from me to build the #enrollment table, with a member who has two separate spans but still qualifies, and an adjusted CASE to yours to take the December dates into account. I'm falling back on 12/31/2010, because that is how the folks here will think about it, so I added the +1, not (intentionally) trying to be a snot 😀

    INSERT INTO #enrollment

    SELECT 'mem1','12/1/2009','5/1/2010','fail' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'mem2','1/1/2009','12/31/2078','pass' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'mem3','1/1/2010','11/1/2010','fail' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'mem4','2/1/2010','1/1/2011','pass' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'mem5','3/1/2010','1/1/2011','fail' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'mem6','1/1/2009','3/1/2010','pass' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'mem6','5/1/2010','2/1/2011','pass'




    WHEN NOT(effdate<'1/1/2011' AND termdate>'11/30/2010') THEN 'fail'




    CASE WHEN effdate<@startdate THEN @startdate ELSE effdate END,

    CASE WHEN termdate<@enddate THEN termdate ELSE @enddate END


    >10 THEN 'pass' ELSE 'fail' END as desiredOutcome

    FROM #enrollment

    mem6 should pass, because we need to count the months in both spans. I'll see if I can beat your lightning reflexes to a solution...

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • Excellent!




    WHEN NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #enrollment AS e2 WHERE e2.carriermemid=#enrollment.carriermemid AND e2.effdate<'1/1/2011' AND e2.termdate>'11/30/2010') THEN 'fail'




    CASE WHEN effdate<@startdate THEN @startdate ELSE effdate END,

    CASE WHEN termdate<@enddate THEN termdate ELSE @enddate END


    >10 THEN 'pass'

    ELSE 'fail'

    END as desiredOutcome

    FROM #enrollment

    GROUP BY #enrollment.carriermemid

    Lutz, thanks so much!

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • Glad I could help 😀

    I'm not sure if the addtl. subquery to the sourcxe table is required.

    Couldn't you just use another condition like

    WHEN min(effdate)<=@startdate and max(termdate)<=dateadd(mm,-1,@enddate) then 'fail'

    Before the SUM() condition?

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Yep, that works even better! Thanks again!

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • my pleasure!

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • SELECTe.CarrierMemID,


    WHEN COUNT(*) >= 11 THEN 'Pass'

    ELSE 'Fail'

    END AS Result


    SELECTDATEADD(MONTH, Number, @StartDate) AS theMonth


    WHEREType = 'P'

    AND Number BETWEEN 0 AND 11

    ) AS v

    INNER JOIN#Enrollment AS e ON e.EffDate <= v.theMonth

    AND e.TermDate >= v.theMonth

    GROUP BYe.CarrierMemID

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Thanks for the alternative, Peso

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

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