Find differences without cursor

  • I have a situation where I need to get changes in statuses for the current month and the previous month.

    I can do that fine.

    But without a cursor, what would be the best (or good) way to give me a list of changes from the beginning of the year.

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE
     EmpName varchar(50),
     EmpStatus VARCHAR(1),
     Job VARCHAR(10),
     YearMonth int

    DECLARE @CurrentYearMonth INT
    SET @CurrentYearMonth = 201805

    INSERT @test-2 Values('John', 'A', 'P', 201801)
    INSERT @test-2 Values('John', 'L', 'P', 201802)
    INSERT @test-2 Values('John', 'L', 'F', 201803)
    INSERT @test-2 Values('John', 'A', 'P', 201804)
    INSERT @test-2 Values('John', 'A', 'F', 201805)
    INSERT @test-2 Values('Mary', 'A', 'F', 201801)
    INSERT @test-2 Values('Mary', 'A', 'F', 201802)
    INSERT @test-2 Values('Mary', 'T', 'F', 201803)
    INSERT @test-2 Values('Mary', 'T', 'P', 201804)
    INSERT @test-2 Values('Mary', 'A', 'F', 201805)

    SELECT * FROM @test-2

    SELECT *
    FROM @test-2 t1
    JOIN @test-2 t2
    ON t1.EmpName = t2.EmpName
     AND t2.YearMonth = @CurrentYearMonth - 1
    WHERE t1.YearMonth = @CurrentYearMonth AND
       ((t1.EmpStatus <> t2.EmpStatus) OR
       (t1.Job <> t2.job))

    This gets me this result:

    This gets me the results between April and May but how about any changes between January and May.


  • DECLARE @CurrentYearStart INT
    DECLARE @CurrentYearEnd INT
    SET @CurrentYearStart = 201801
    SET @CurrentYearEnd = 201805

    SELECT *
    FROM @test-2 t_curr
    INNER JOIN @test-2 t_prev
    ON t_prev.EmpName = t_curr.EmpName
    AND t_prev.YearMonth = t_curr.YearMonth - 1
    AND (t_prev.EmpStatus <> t_curr.EmpStatus OR t_prev.Job <> t_curr.Job)
    WHERE t_curr.YearMonth BETWEEN @CurrentYearStart AND @CurrentYearEnd
    ORDER BY t_curr.YearMonth, t_curr.EmpName

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • Great.
    I also made a small change that lets me select the range.  If @Choice is NULL, it will work as you have it.  @Choice is the number of years back to look.  If you have it set to 2, the results are:

    The changed code is:
    DECLARE @CurrentYearStart INT
    DECLARE @CurrentYearEnd INT
    DECLARE @Choice INT
    SET @CurrentYearStart = 201801
    SET @CurrentYearEnd = 201805
    SET @Choice = 2

    SELECT *
    FROM @test-2 t_curr
    INNER JOIN @test-2 t_prev
      ON t_prev.EmpName = t_curr.EmpName
      AND t_prev.YearMonth = CASE WHEN @Choice = 1 THEN @CurrentYearEnd ELSE t_curr.YearMonth END - 1
      AND (t_prev.EmpStatus <> t_curr.EmpStatus OR t_prev.Job <> t_curr.Job)
    WHERE t_curr.YearMonth BETWEEN CASE WHEN @Choice IS NULL THEN @CurrentYearStart ELSE @CurrentYearEnd - @Choice END AND @CurrentYearEnd
    ORDER BY t_curr.YearMonth, t_curr.EmpName


  • You need to be careful here, because the date arithmetic isn't automatically applied correctly.  Specifically, 201801 - 1 is 201800 instead of 201712.  This is part of the reason that it's a bad idea to store dates in non-date(time) fields.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Agreed.

    This was just a sample of the actual code which is a bit more complicated and I do convert it to actual dates.


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