find cause for subscription fail

  • Hi,

    How are you?

    I have created data driven file share subscription for some reports. It directly delivers reports to clients. Subscriptions are failing some times. Clients are coming back to us for reports. Is there any way to find cause for subscription fail? Is there any way to send alert to my email when data driven file share subscription fails?

    Thank you for your help,


  • If you check the Status on the My Subscriptions page it will sometimes give you information about a failure. But it only tells you about the last event, if it has run successfully since the failure you won't see anything helpful. You may be able to check in the Windows event logs for more details.

  • Thanks for reply

  • Try looking in the log folder here: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles. There should be complete information there about what went wrong.

    As for notification, RS is not proactive when it comes to telling you a report failed. You could check the SQL Server Agent job history for whatever schedule is tied to the report, but that will only tell you if the schedule failed. More informative is the ExecutionLogStorage table in the ReportServer database. You can set something up to check for records where Status != 'rsSuccess'.

  • Doug Lane (10/4/2010)

    Try looking in the log folder here: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles. There should be complete information there about what went wrong.

    This is by far the most info you can find about it. Probably the only info that will actually point you toward the actual problem actually...

    As for notification, RS is not proactive when it comes to telling you a report failed. You could check the SQL Server Agent job history for whatever schedule is tied to the report, but that will only tell you if the schedule failed. More informative is the ExecutionLogStorage table in the ReportServer database. You can set something up to check for records where Status != 'rsSuccess'.

    Alternatively, you can use the ExecutionLog2 View that puts the ExecutionLogStorage table in a much more readable format.

  • Thank you all for valuable information,


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