Find and Replace xml node

  • Hi All,

    1. I have a xml Datatype column in my table named as CustomerData..

    2. CustomerData can have 'n' number of nodes...

    3. Each node contains an element called "ID" as GUID along with other elements Name, Address etc...

    4. Now I will pass an ID and its CustomerData as INPUT..

    5. If the ID is already exists(that means the Customer is already exists) then I want to replace the whole node with my INPUT Data

    6. If not found the ID in any of the nodes then I want to insert the INPUT Data as a new node to the CustomerData

    Could anyone please help me...Thanks in adavance

  • It's not very clear to me.

    Try posting some sample data and the desired output.

    You could also try reading the article linked in my signature line, it will help you rephrasing your post more effectively.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • I have the below xml in my table, the user can add/edit the existing if I pass the whole customer data...I should see in the existing below xml...if found the customer(ID) the replace the whole customer info with the user input, if not found the need to insert the user input as a new node at end of the below..please let me know if it is still not clear...Thansk...

    <customer xmlns:xsi="">




    <middleInitial />


    <address1>4437 Spruce Street</address1>

    <address2 />








    <identificationType />

    <licenseNumber />

    <stateIssued />

    <issueDate />

    <expirationDate />

    <employerName />





    <firstName>EVCARRIE 2</firstName>

    <middleInitial />

    <lastName>CONSUMER 2</lastName>

    <address1>4437 Spruce Street 2</address1>

    <address2 />








    <identificationType />

    <licenseNumber />

    <stateIssued />

    <issueDate />

    <expirationDate />

    <employerName />




  • Usually, it helps a lot if you'd post something like

    "here's what I have: ...

    here's my desired result:...

    those are the business rules to follow...

    and here's what I've tried so far:...


    For more details on how to provided sample data please see the first link in my signature.

    Based on what I see so far I have no idea what you're looking for. Sorry.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Here is What I have (DATA), 2 customers with ID, FirstName and LastName

    customer xmlns:xsi="">








    <firstName>EVCARRIE 2</firstName>

    <lastName>CONSUMER 2</lastName>



    My INPUT is as below






    In my INPUT the ID is '74374E76-DD16-473B-BC35-735E68234B5A' which is exist in DATA as first I need to update the DATA with my INPUT...i.e finally the OUTPUT should be as below

    customer xmlns:xsi="">








    <firstName>EVCARRIE 2</firstName>

    <lastName>CONSUMER 2</lastName>



    In which we can see the FirstName and LastName are updated with 'Steve' n 'Smith'

    If my INPUT as below






    In my INPUT the ID is 'cebb7171-6019-4190-8b39-1c27f48996a0' which is not exist in I need to insert the DATA with my INPUT...i.e finally the OUTPUT should be as below

    customer xmlns:xsi="">








    <firstName>EVCARRIE 2</firstName>

    <lastName>CONSUMER 2</lastName>








  • Ok, what you're basically trying to do is an UPSERT (Update or Insert) based on existence of a customer ID. Right?

    Why do you need to do it against XML files? Wouldn't it be a lot easier to store the XML data as a relational shredded structure? This would also be a better performing solution....

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Yup...You are correct...Thanks..

  • So, based on this, I've come up with:

    -- set up and populate a "source" table

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#OriginalData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #OriginalData

    CREATE TABLE #OriginalData (CustomerData XML)

    insert into #OriginalData

    values ('<customer xmlns:xsi="">








    <firstName>EVCARRIE 2</firstName>

    <lastName>CONSUMER 2</lastName>



    -- set up and populate a "New Data" table.

    -- if the ID is in the "source", update the remaining values.

    -- if the ID is NOT in the "source", insert all values into the "source".

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#NewData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #NewData

    CREATE TABLE #NewData (CustomerData XML)

    INSERT INTO #NewData

    values ('<customer xmlns:xsi="">








    <firstName>EVCARRIE 2</firstName>

    <lastName>CONSUMER 2</lastName>








    ;with OriginalXML AS


    -- shred the original XML out into it's fields

    select t.*,

    ID ='ID[1]','varchar(100)') ,

    firstName ='firstName[1]','varchar(100)') ,

    lastName ='lastName[1]','varchar(100)')

    from #OriginalData t

    CROSS APPLY t.CustomerData.nodes('/customer/customer') AS original(data)

    ), NewXML AS


    -- shred the new XML (updates/inserts) out into it's fields

    select NewCustData = t.CustomerData,

    ID ='ID[1]','varchar(100)') ,

    firstName ='firstName[1]','varchar(100)') ,

    lastName ='lastName[1]','varchar(100)')

    from #NewData t

    CROSS APPLY t.CustomerData.nodes('/customer/customer') AS new(data)


    -- get the records to update

    select *

    from OriginalXML o

    JOIN NewXML n

    ON o.ID = n.ID

    WHERE o.firstName <> n.firstName

    OR o.lastName <> n.lastName

    ;with OriginalXML AS


    -- shred the original XML out into it's fields

    select t.*,

    ID ='ID[1]','varchar(100)') ,

    firstName ='firstName[1]','varchar(100)') ,

    lastName ='lastName[1]','varchar(100)')

    from #OriginalData t

    CROSS APPLY t.CustomerData.nodes('/customer/customer') AS original(data)

    ), NewXML AS


    -- shred the new XML (updates/inserts) out into it's fields

    select NewCustData = t.CustomerData,

    ID ='ID[1]','varchar(100)') ,

    firstName ='firstName[1]','varchar(100)') ,

    lastName ='lastName[1]','varchar(100)')

    from #NewData t

    CROSS APPLY t.CustomerData.nodes('/customer/customer') AS new(data)


    -- get the records to insert

    select *

    from NewXML n

    LEFT JOIN OriginalXML o

    ON o.ID = n.ID


    You'll want to look at these links for how to actually accomplish the update/insert into the XML data:

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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