Filetable Trivia

  • Never used Filetables, but isn't the limit to the number of subdirectories subject to the NTFS limit of 2^32 - 1 (4,294,967,295)?

    Therefore the given answer to the question would be correct, because the statement 'The maximum number of subdirectories is limited only by disk space' is incorrect.

    Even though the explanation is also incorrect.

  • Thanks for the question. Lots is good comments.

  • sipas (10/7/2015)

    Never used Filetables, but isn't the limit to the number of subdirectories subject to the NTFS limit of 2^32 - 1 (4,294,967,295)?

    Therefore the given answer to the question would be correct, because the statement 'The maximum number of subdirectories is limited only by disk space' is incorrect.

    Even though the explanation is also incorrect.

    Can't see that anyone would want this number of subdirectories, although technically correct, can anyone imagine this number? And wasn't the question about filetables not NTFS limitations?

    Sorry to be pedandict, just a thought.

    Andy, good question, lots of discussion, nice to exchange opinions.


  • Nice question, Andy, even if the explanation of the subdirectory limit was incorrect. I also found the first answer easy (I knew it was new to 2012), but picking the second answer was harder (although I was able to easily eliminate some of them).

    Keep the trivia questions coming! They're better than just a single true/false question.

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