"Filename" as Global variable in DTS

  • Setting Sql 7. DTS Designer.

    I create a new connection, go to Connection properties, and specify an input file. That approach worked fine until my latest project. For that project the name of the (source) file varies from run-to-run! Can I pass the input filename in as a Global variable and have DTS use it? Or is there a better approach?



  • Sure you can...I do it and it works slick...


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    Dim responsesuccess

    responsesuccess = 0

    responsesuccess = ImportFile(DTSGlobalVariables("gvfilepath").Value)

    If responsesuccess <> 0 Then

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success


    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure

    End If

    End Function

    Function ImportFiles(filepath, fileext)


    'Accepts: filepath - string variable to hold full path to file (pass in global variable "gvfilepath")

    'fileext - global variable holding extension of files we are looking to import, eg. ".asc"


    'Returns: 1 if successful

    ' 0 if fails.

    ImportFiles = 0

    Dim fso

    Dim objFolder

    Dim colFiles

    Dim objFile

    Dim objPackage

    Dim objConn

    Dim i'counter used for test purposes

    blnLogIntotblCDRImportBatch = 1

    Set objPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package")

    objPackage.LoadFromSQLServer "your server name here","","","256",,,,"name of package that does the actual import of the file"

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set objfolder = fso.GetFolder(filepath)

    Set colFiles = objfolder.Files

    i = 0

    If colfiles.Count > 0 Then

    For Each objfile in colfiles

    If UCase(Left(objfile.name,2)) = "X5" Then

    If UCase(Right(objFile.name,4)) = ".ASC" Then

    'Check file size - if greater than 0 then import to db table:

    If objFile.Size > 0 Then

    'Run package here and load table:

    objPackage.GlobalVariables.Item("gvcurrentimportfile").Value = filepath & "\" & objfile.Name

    objPackage.GlobalVariables.Item("gvfileid").Value = i

    Set objConn = objPackage.Connections("Connection 1")

    objConn.DataSource = objPackage.GlobalVariables.Item("gvcurrentimportfile").Value


    i = i + 1

    End If

    End If

    End If


    End If

    'MsgBox "Total Files Processed: " & Cstr(i)


    Set objPackage = Nothing

    Set fso = Nothing

    Set objfolder = Nothing

    Set colFiles = Nothing

    Set objFile = Nothing

    Set objConn = Nothing

    ImportFiles = 1

    End Function 'ImportFiles()


    Setting Sql 7. DTS Designer.

    I create a new connection, go to Connection properties, and specify an input file. That approach worked fine until my latest project. For that project the name of the (source) file varies from run-to-run! Can I pass the input filename in as a Global variable and have DTS use it? Or is there a better approach?



    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

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