File System Task and Script Task - delete/overwrite a file

  • Hello,

    Recently we had an issue with deleting a file from network system. Hence we used File System Task to delete a file from network path. This problem worked perfectly fine on local systems but some how it was not working on production system.

    Then we used the Script task to delete the same file and this was working fine. I earlier suspected it to be a permission issue. But it is some thing else.

    It will be great if some one can help me to find a reason why "File System Task was not deleting the file and Script task was able to delete it"



    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
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  • Can you include more details like error messages you are getting, etc?

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • Are you using a mapped drive or the fully qualified UNC?

    If your prod server doesn't have the same mapped drive as the test / development package then it won't work.

    Perhaps the script builds the path one way with the File System Object and the your file system component is getting the path from the connection manager which has been configured to use a mapped drive?

    Kindest Regards,

    Frank Bazan

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