File Share delivery failure - permissions issue?

  • Having issues getting a file share subscription to run successfully. I've set up a subscription file share delivery in SSRS 2008 going to another machine in the same network. The credentials work to manually map a drive using the UNC path which is in the subscription so I know those credentials work there. However, when the subscription runs it fails with:

    Failure writing file \\xxxxxxxxxxx : Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password

    Looking this up on the web I found one note that SSRS tries first to log into the Reporting Services machine locally using the credentials stored in the subscription and if that doesn't work then the subscription will fail. So I did create a local user on the machine with the same credentials as stored in the subscription and confirmed the login works on that machine. Still no-go.

    Haven't found anything else out there relating to how I can fix this, and need the report to work. Any help would be very much appreciated!

  • Anyone out there with any suggestions about this? Am really needing an answer to the issue and haven't gotten any alternatives that suffice. Getting rather desperate.

    Are there any security issues I should be looking into? testing credentials somewhere?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • We are using a network user not a local user and make sure the user has permissions to write to the folder.

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