Failure to register the (local) server

  • At one point in time (more than six months ago) I had a local sql server installation on my development machine. Then an admin from head office logged in and changed my machine name in order to comply with the main network.

    Anyhow, now I cannot login to my local sql install any longer. I attempt to right-click on "Sql Server Group" in Enterprise Mgr and register the (local) server (or to my machine name WRK801) but it fails to connect.

    The message I get is :

    Sql Server does not exist or access denied (ConnectionOpen.Connect())


    Am I missing admin rights on my machine ? Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thank you,


  • Is the MSSQLSERVER service running?

    If not, check the Services (services.msc) applet. Is it set to autostart? Also check the Log On settings. If your machine name was changed and the server was running under a local account, but specified as \, a change to the machine name would likely break it.

    Also check the SQL Server ERRORLOG file. They may have moved some directories around that your installation depended on.

    If the service is running:

    Are you an admin on the machine? Check the Computer Management (compmgmt.msc) applet to verify.

    If you had just a default install, you'll have two security accounts with rights to sql server. The SQL security account "sa", and the "built\administrators" windows authentication login. Even if you're no longer an admin, the sql security accounts should work.

    Check the registry to verify that SQL Server will allow standard security logins. The reg key is HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\LoginMode. If it's set to 1, set it to 2.

    If you remember your "sa" password, try logging in with that.

    If you get in, set up a windows account and a standard account for yourself.

    Best of luck...

  • The MSSQLSERVICE is NOT running on my local machine; and I can't figure out how to run it. In fact, I don't even see it in the list of local services (i.e. Ctrl Panel, Component Svs, Services (Local) ).

     I do see a Sql Server (SqlExpress) service running, but I really don't need that. I must have installed that a long time ago for testing only.

    Anyhow, I'll keep pluggin away.




  • try starting up sqlserver from the command line.  it should start up as the oldname.  once you start it up, you'll probably need to drop the old server .... sp_dropserver oldservername and add the new one.... sp_addserver newservername, 'local'

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