Failure path processing of multiple steps

  • Hi, I am working on the failure path of an SSIS package that processes daily flat files for inclusion in a database.

    I would like my failure path to take effect if any of the steps fail. Do I need to connect a red failure line to each of the steps as a "logical or" or can I simply specify to go to the fail path if any one of a group of steps fail?

  • PHXHoward,

    you can write Event Handlers, to do so...

    Select Event Handler Tab in BIDS

    Executable: from drop down select your package Name ( means defining event handler at package level)

    Event Handler: Onerror (Default, you can select other events also)

    Define all failure steps here, All these steps/tasks will be executed if any task of your package fails

    Very interesting right....


  • Thanks RB, it is very interesting. I'll give it a try. Event handlers and logging are things I've been wanting to learn about.

  • Please let us know if you need further help/info....:-)


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