Failover problems

  • i have SQL enterprise on 2 nodes cluster server.

    and we are using GP10 as ERP.

    last sunday mornning a failover happened, and out of nothing users were calling complaining about errors in GP this errors make it almost impossible to ues the system, i did a failback and the problems in GP were gone.

    and ideas why that happened.:hehe:



  • review the errors in sql log error , event viewer and cluster log for related errors.

    can you post the error message.

  • this are some of the errors and the list go long, i check every error log u have said and found nothing.

    -Cannot drop the procedure '##zDP_2263009SI', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

    -Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.IV10000' with unique index 'AK2IV10000'.

    -Could not find stored procedure 'DYNAMICS.dbo.zDP_ASIEXP50F_1'.

    Default bound to column.

    -EXECUTE permission denied on object 'zDP_duLCKF_1', database 'DYNAMICS', schema 'dbo'.

    -Invalid column name 'desSPRkmhBBCreh'.

    -Invalid column name 'Include_Opening_Balance'.

    -Invalid object name '##1230837'.

    -Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PKASIEXP81'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.ASIEXP81'.



  • i think these problems are related to security permissions , may be login user expire.

    Be sure that the srvice account for node1 is not expired , and it is a domain user account (not local user account)

    It may be IO problem in the shared disk, and it was disconnected temporary.

    The list of expectation is greet , except we find reasonable reason for failover.

    There is a separate log event for the cluster in querum disk , try to view it. Post any new finding

    Also, windows event viewer may contain warning or errors for faill over.

  • the account is a domain account and its not expired i rechecked it.

    i will the log on the quriom.



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