Exporting Text DataType from SQL Server 2005 to Excel

  • Hi,

    I need to export data from SQL server to Excel and I have created a SSIS package for the same but as Excel by default takes text length as 255 I am getting error when I am trying to export TEXT data type or VARCHAR data having length more than 255 char. I have added the Data Conversion task also but issue still exists.

    Kindly suggest.



  • Read the section about Truncated Text in the following article:


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  • Thanks koen,

    But here I am using Excel 2007 my export working fine for Excel 97-2003 but as this has boundation of limited rows i can not use it. i tried to use the Excel 2007 and except Text and Varchar>255 all my data types are exporting properly.

    I tried to search for the same but couldnt get much about the issue.

    Kindly suggest.



  • There is a similar registry setting for the ACE OLE DB provider used by Excel 2007.

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