Exporting Custom Messages from Sys.Messages

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Exporting Custom Messages from Sys.Messages

  • I suppose that doing this in the following fashion

    DECLARE @commandText VARCHAR(8000)=''
    SELECT @commandText = @commandText +char(10) +char(13)+
       'EXEC master.sys.sp_addmessage @msgnum = ' + CAST(message_id+10 AS VARCHAR(10)) + ', @severity = '
       + CAST(m.severity AS VARCHAR(10)) + ', @msgtext = ''' + m.text + '''' + ', @lang = ''' + s.name + ''''
       + ', @with_log = ''' + CASE
                WHEN m.is_event_logged = 1 THEN
              END + '''; '
    FROM sys.messages AS m
      INNER JOIN sys.syslanguages AS s
       ON m.language_id = s.lcid
    WHERE m.message_id > 49999;


    Could be problematic if the text of messages together exceed the limit of the VARCHAR(8000) variable. I like your cursor approach there


  • True, plus it's an all or nothing. If there's some weird text you haven't handled, none of your items might get through. I like the separate items in that I can move messages as separate transactions. We can certainly check the counts later (or join tables) to determine if we've missed anything.

  • The below should fix one glaring oversight in the code, which is handling single quotes/apostrophes in the message text.  But luckily that is an easy code change using QUOTENAME().

    SELECT m.message_id,
    'EXEC master.sys.sp_addmessage @msgnum = ' + CAST(m.message_id AS VARCHAR(10)) + ', @severity = '
    + CAST(m.severity AS VARCHAR(10)) + ', @msgtext = ' + QUOTENAME(m.text, '''') + ', @lang = ''' + s.name + ''''
    + ', @with_log = ''' + CASE
    WHEN m.is_event_logged = 1 THEN
    END + '''; '
    FROM [PLATO\SQL2014].master.sys.messages AS m
    INNER JOIN [PLATO\SQL2014].master.sys.syslanguages AS s
    ON m.language_id = s.lcid
    WHERE m.message_id > 49999;
    OPEN mycurs;
    DECLARE @msgid INT, @cmd VARCHAR(2000);
    FETCH NEXT FROM mycurs
    INTO @msgid, @cmd;
    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.messages WHERE message_id = @msgid)
    FETCH NEXT FROM mycurs
    INTO @msgid, @cmd;
    DEALLOCATE mycurs;

    I also qualified message_id, but I did not change the cursor to readonly as SQL Prompt suggests nor did I declare it as forward only as SQL Prompt also suggested.

    It's likely that instead of "EXEC(@cmd)"  that "EXEC sys.sp_executesql @cmd" be used to reduce chance of SQL injection, but the addition of QUOTENAME() already reduced that threat.  But using the sp_executesql method opens up the option to have @cmd not be dynamic SQL but have parameter names in the text then use the cursor to pass in the parameters through sp_executesql's parameter handling.

    Maybe it could use some error handling but that's overkill for casual use of this sort of query and should only be needed if using it on a large scale and/or often.

    Thank you for this post.  I hadn't thought about using this sort of approach for this, I likely would have used a similar method to output the code as text in the result window then copy and paste it into another query window for use and/or save it to a file for later use.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by  KHill. Reason: minor wording fixes
  • Thanks for the note. If I get a chance, i'll update the article. Of if you want to write an updated version that talks about the enhancements of sp_executesql over exec(), it would be great.

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