Exported data getting truncated.

  • I am using SQL 2000 on a Windows 2000 platform.

    When I export data (using DTS) from a table to a text file, it truncates data for all my columns that are > varchar(255). Truncation occurs when I choose delimited and not with fixed field. I have variable size data and some of the columns are varchar(4000) so I certainly want to use a delimiter. Also, there is no truncation if the destination file is an Excel file. I can use bcp to get around the problem, but the export is just a step in a multistep big DTS package and I am wondering if there is a third party driver that will fix this for me. If anyone has any ideas please help.


  • What delimiter are you using, and are you sure it doesn't exist in the column of data that is truncating?

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • I tried all the four delimiters that show up in the window when selecting column delimiters, namely: coma, semicolon, tab and the vertical bar. None of these is in the data and yet none worked. it's easy to reproduce this: create a table with one int and one varchar(400) columns, put some dummy data ands then from the enterprise manager right click on the table and go through the export data selecting a text file as the destination. It truncates everything > 255.


  • See this, apparently fixed in SP 2


    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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