Export SQL data to Access database

  • I want to create a asp.net project doing the following jobs:

    1) One page will take user's input as filters

    2) Get data from SQL server and apply filters

    3) Export data from 2) to a local Access database as a table

    Is it possible?

    That is, pass user's input as parameters to a store procedure and then export to a local Access table.

    I knew how to do steps 1) and 2) but have no idea how to do step 3)

  • I think how you approach this depends on how much data the access database will have in it. Since this is an ASP.NET application, you need to be careful of timeouts. You could us a SSIS package and be really complex or you can make it simple and create the objects in an empty access database and fill those objects with the data from sql server.

  • conSQL -- SQL Server Connection

    conAccess -- Access Connection

    dtTable -- Filtered Data Table from conSQL

    Now, dump dtTable data table via conAccess.

  • So you need a detached database for a vendor on the road or something like that?

    If not, you can always do an access data project (adp). That connects directly to sql server and then you can use access as the front end with all the amazing wizard to quickly build an application.

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